Thematic Program on The Geometry of String Theory
July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
During the academic year 2004-05, a year-long program of activity will take place at the Fields Institute and Perimeter Institute on the general subject The Geometry of String Theory. The plan is for a systematic, focused activity with the dual aim of discussing new results and putting new insights gained from physics into the general mathematical framework.
The first half-year of the program will have a mathematical focus and the second half-year a physical one. Each half-year will involve specialized workshops (see below) and mini-courses. We are also preparing to hold the Strings 2005 Conference to wrap up this year-long program.
The program will be devoted to mathematical subjects motivated by string theory, and to recent developments in string theory and related physical fields which are of strong mathematical interest. On the mathematical side, the aim is to foster interaction between such areas of mathematics as derived categories, elliptic cohomology, geometric Langlands correspondence, quantum cohomology, differential geometry varieties with special holonomy and of special Lagrangian varieties. On the more physical side, the aim is to foster new progress in the continuing drive towards understanding the foundations of string/M-theory, and in the wealth of new ideas involving D-branes, BPS states and various dualities which are of great importance to mathematical subjects such as algebraic geometry.
Workshops and Conferences
September 27 - October 2, 2004
Special and Public Lectures
September 7 - November 30, 2004
September 10 - December 3, 2004
January 17 - April 25, 2005
January 19 - April 27, 2005
February 15 - March 3, 2005
Associated Activities:
September 17-21, 2004
COSMO-04 - International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe
April 30 - May 1, 2005
2005 Great Lakes Geometry Conference
held at the Perimeter Institute
June 4-6, 2005
Canadian Mathematical Society, Summer Meeting
Special Session on String Theory and Integrable Systems
held at the Universtiy of Waterloo