September 19, 2024

Audio and/or slides are available for talks given at the Fields Institute during the following events in the year July 2008 - June 2009.

For events from September 2012 onwards, plus selected events from June-August 2012, please see our video archive.

For events from other years, plus those June-August 2012 talks that are only available in audio format, please consult the audio/slides home page.

Various Dates Throughout the Year

June 2009

May 2009

March 2009

January 2009

November 2008

October 2008

September 2008

August 2008

July 2008

Coxeter Lecture Series

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Centre for Mathematical Medicine Seminar Series

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Public Lecture Series

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Distinguished Lecture Series

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Fields Institute Colloquium/Seminar in Applied Mathematics

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Seminar Series on Quantitative Finance

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

PRMIA Risk Management Seminars

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Workshop on Finiteness Problems in Dynamical Systems (June 22 - 26, 2009)

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Fields Cryptography Retrospective Meeting (May 11-15, 2009)

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Science (May 27- 28, 2009)

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Symposium Celebrating New Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada (March 16, 2009)

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

The Nathan and Beatrice Keyfitz Lectures in Mathematics and the Social Sciences (March 31, 2009)

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Winter School in o-minimal Geometry (January 12 - 16, 2009)

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Mini-workshop on complex dynamics (November 10-14, 2008)

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Workshop on Complex Hyperbolic Geometry and Related Topics (November 17-21, 2008)

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IFID/MITACS Conference on Financial Engineering for Actuarial Mathematics (November 9-10, 2008)

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Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry: Diophantine approximation and Arakelov theory (October 20-24, 2008)

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Mini-workshop on p-adic dynamics (October 27-28, 2008)

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Conference on Non-linear Phenomena in Mathematical Physics (September 18-20, 2008)

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Joint Colloquium with Department of Mathematics (September 17, 2008)

Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

VICBC Summer School on Integrative Cancer Biology (August 2-6, 2008)

  • Yves Boucher, Harvard Medical School: Experimental
  • Dan Gallahan, National Cancer Institute: Introduction
  • Robert A. Gatenby, University of Arizona: Modeling
  • James Glazier: Selected Talk
  • Abhijit Guha, University of Toronto: Clinical
  • Richard P Hill, University of Toronto: Clinical
  • Mohammad Kohandel, University of Waterloo: Modeling
  • Natalia Komarova, University of California: Modeling
  • Steven McDougall, University of Edinburgh: Modeling
  • Michael F Milosevic, University of Toronto: Clinical
  • Sheila K. Singh, McMaster University: Clinical
  • Dwayne Stupack, University of California: Experimental
  • Lei Xu, University of Rochester: Experimental
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing

Workshop on Quantitative Cancer Modelling: Mathematical Models, Imaging and Bioinformatics (August 25-27, 2008)

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Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop (August 11-15, 2008)

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Conference in Honour of Peter Orlik (August 19-22, 2008)

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Workshop on Growth and Control of Tumors: Theory and Experiment (July 2-4, 2008)

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