September 19, 2024

Audio and/or slides are available for talks given at the Fields Institute during the following events in the year July 2011 - June 2012.

For events from September 2012 onwards, plus selected events from June-August 2012, please see our video archive.

For events from other years, plus those June-August 2012 talks that are only available in audio format, please consult the audio/slides home page.

Various Dates Throughout the Year

August 2012

July 2012

June 2012

May 2012

April 2012

March 2012

February 2012

November 2011

October 2011

September 2011

August 2011

July 2011

June 2011

Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar

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Seminar Series on Quantitative Finance

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Centre for Mathematical Medicine Seminar Series

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Fields 20th Aniversary Back2Fields Colloqium Series

Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing

Summer Theme Period on the Mathematics of Medical Imaging (July 3-August 31, 2012)

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Fifth International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (August 9-10, 2012)

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Workshop on Microlocal Methods in Medical Imaging (August 13-17, 2012)

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Workshop on Whitney Type Extension and Trace Problems -- audio of talks that are not available in the video archive (August 27-31, 2012)

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Focus Program on Geometry, Mechanics and Dynamics, and the Legacy of Jerry Marsden -- audio of talks that are not available in the video archive (July 3-July 27, 2012)

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Alzheimer's Disease/Pharmaceuticals Workshop (May 31 - June 1, 2012)

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Anesthesiology/Sleep Disorders Workshop (June 4 - 5, 2012)

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Workshop on the Corona Problem: Connections Between Operator Theory, Function Theory, and Geometry (June 18-22, 2012)

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Distinguished Lecture Series (May 7 - 9, 2012)

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Theme Period on Variational Methods and Compressive Sensing in Imaging (April 30 - May 31, 2012)

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Parkinson's Disease Workshop (May 22 - 23, 2012)

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Schizophrenia Workshop (May 24 - 25, 2012)

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Epilepsy Workshop (May 29 - 30, 2012)

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The Nathan and Beatrice Keyfitz Lectures in Mathematics and the Social Science (May 3, 2012)

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The Avner Magen Memorial Lecture (May 25, 2012)

  • Avi Wigderson, Institute for Advanced Study: Randomness
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing

Distinguished Lecture Series (April 18-20, 2012)

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Workshop on the p-adic Langlands program (April 23-27, 2012)

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Theme Period on Geometry in Inverse Problems (March 26 - April 27, 2012)

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Statistics Graduate Student Research Day (April 19, 2012)

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Coxeter Lecture Series (Feb 29-Mar 2, 2012)

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Galois Representations, Shimura Varieties, and Automorphic Forms Workshop (March 12-16, 2012)

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Workshop on Cohomology of Shimura varieties (March 19-23, 2012)

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Workshop on Coordinated activity in physiology: measures, concepts and controversies (March 8-9, 2012)

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Workshop on Mathematical Oncology IV: Integrative Cancer Biology (March 29-31, 2012)

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Second Quebec-Ontario Workshop on Insurance Mathematics (February 3, 2012)

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Workshop on Surfactant Driven Thin Film Flows (February 22-24, 2012)

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Coxeter Lecture Series (November 7-11, 2011)

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Workshop on Computational Topology (November 7-11, 2011)

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Workshop on Sphere Arrangments (November 14-18, 2011)

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Distinguished Lecture Series (October 17-21, 2011)

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Workshop on Rigidity (October 11-14, 2011)

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Workshop on Rigidity and Symmetry (October 17-21, 2011)

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Workshop on Symmetry in Graphs, Maps and Polytopes (October 24-27, 2011)

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Industry-Academic Workshop on Optimization in Finance and Risk Management (October 3-4, 2011)

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Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Science (October 5-6, 2011)

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3nd Montreal-Toronto Workshop in Number Theory (October 7-9, 2011)

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Workshop in Large Scale Optimization and Applications - 13th Annual Midwest Optimization Meeting (October 14-15, 2011)

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First 3-C Risk Forum & 2011 International Conference on Engineering and Risk Management (ERM) (October 28-30, 2011)

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Workshop on Discrete Geometry (September 13-16, 2011)

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Conference on Discrete Geometry and Optimization (September 19-23, 2011)

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Workshop on Optimization (September 26-29, 2011)

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Workshop on Algebra and CSPs (August 2-6, 2011)

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Workshop on Approximability of CSPs (August 12-16, 2011)

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Conference on Quantum Computing and Quantum Control (August 8-12, 2011)

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Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds (August 16-25, 2011)

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Coxeter Lectures (July 11-13, 2011)

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Workshop on Graph Homomorphisms (July 11-15, 2011)

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Conference on Transcendence and L-functions (July 6-9, 2011)

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Conference in Harmonic Analysis and Partial differential Equations (July 26-29, 2011)

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Fields Summer School (June 26-30, 2011)

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