MathEd Forum

September 19, 2024

Slide Show of intiatives.

Mathematics Education Sites

Canada/USA Mathcamp
E-STAT (Statistics Canada)
Geometry Junkyard
JUMP (Junior Undiscovered Math Prodigies)
Math Forum
Math Frog
Ministry of Education and Training Ontario
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics-USA)
NLVM National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Ontario Association for Mathematics EducationUofT Mathematics Network (mathnet)

Faculty of Ed sites
AMQ (Association Mathématique du Québec- Laval)
Intermath (Georgia Tech)

Associations and Conferences

OAME Ontario Association for Mathematics Education

OMCA, Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association

OCMA, Ontario Colleges Mathematics Association

Resources Provided by Members

Ontario Mathematics Education Research

Mathematics Education Journals

Research Journals Canadian

1. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
For the Learning of Mathematics

Research Journals International

1. Educational Studies in Mathematics
2. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics
3. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education
4. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education
5. International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education
6. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
7 .International Journal of Mathematical Education: Policy and Practice (IJME)
8 .International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education
9. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning
10.International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
11.International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
12.Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching
13.Journal of Mathematical Behavior
14. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
15. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
16. Mathematics Education Research Journal
17. Mathematics Education Review
18. Mathematics Educator (University of Georgia, USA)
19. Mathematics Educator (Singapore)
20. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast
21. Nordisk Matematikk Didaktikk/Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education
22. Philosophy of Mathematics Education journal
23. PRIMUS (Problems, Resources, Issues in Undergraduate Mathematics Studies)
24. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
25. Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (RCME)
26. Research in Mathematics Education
27. School Science and Mathematics
28. Spreadsheets in Education (eJSiE)
29. Statistics Education Research Journal
30. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications
31. Zentralblatt fur Didaktic der Mathematik/International Reviews on Mathematics Education (ZDM)

Professional Journals

Equals: mathematics and special educational needs
Mathematics in School
Mathematics Teacher
Mathematics Teaching
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
Primary Mathematics
Teaching Children Mathematics
Teaching Statistics

New in Mathematics Education

Math Education Job Listings Web Site

Dictionary of Terms

Wolfram MathWorld
On-line Mathematics Dictionary

More detailed summaries of the various intiatives in mathematics education follow: