MathEd Forum

September 19, 2024

September 16, 2006


Present: Ahmed, S. Ejaz; Azzopardi, Anthony; Barbeau, Ed; Bardas, Adina; Brown, Burke; Burnett, Claire; Buteau, Chantal; Byers, Trish; Chen, Stephen; Cheng, Ching Lun; Chisu, Cecilia Kutas; Craven, Stewart; Dalrymple, Shirley; Erdman, Wayne; Fioroni, Marcella; Gadanidis, George; Ganong, Richard; Kletskin, Ilona; LaCroix, Lionel; Lang, Diane; Lovric, Miroslav; Marchant, Kenning; Matviyenko, Nickolay; Mgombelo, Joyce; Peirce, Mike; Poole, David; Rak, Len; Romano, Larry; Salisbury, Tom; Saloojee,Riae; Seto, Michael; Sinclair, Margaret; Spring, David; Steprans, Juris; Taylor, Peter; Thompson, Peter

The meeting convened at 10am

1. Welcome by Margaret Sinclair

- OAME - Stewart Craven reported that the Leadership Conference would take place in February

- OMCA: Stewart Craven reported that the support materials, re: 11C and 11 were available on the website at and they are hoping for text resources next year

- OCMA - John Kezys report that there would be PDE's Math College Meeting

- Walter Whiteley reminded everyone that Canadian Math Society Winter Meeting would on December 9 and the Speaker would be Leona Burton. It will be an all day session and all are welcome.

- Margaret Sinclair ask that the list of research articles that she has done be kept up to date. She requested that if anyone knows of any research publications to please forward the citations to her. Margaret also announce that there would be one forum meeting in the new year for Research.

2. Tom Salisbury -- presentation on the decisions of the Ministry Task Force - pdf of presentation here

3. Anthony Azzopardi --presentation on the revised curriculum grades k -11

4. Round table discussion on anticipated university admissions requirements.

5. Walter -- discussion on feedback to the Ministry about task force recommendations for a mathematics curriculum council.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.