September 19, 2024

March 27--28, 2004
Seminar on the Arithmetic and Geometry of Higher Dimensional Varieties
with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry

October 4-5 and November 8-9, 2003
Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Varieties
(with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varities)

Organized by James D. Lewis (Alberta) and Noriko Yui (Queen's)

The ``2002-03 Workshops on Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry'' held last semester at the Fields Institute were very successful. In the coming academic year, we will broaden the subject in the form of a couple of weekend workshops on the "Arithemtic and Geometry of Algebraic Varieties (with Special Emphasis on Calabi--Yau Varieties)'', to be held at the Fields Institute.

March 27-28 Program
Abstracts for the Program are available here.

March 27, 2004  
10:00 am James D. Lewis, University of Alberta
Algebraic Cycles and Mumford Invariants
11:15 am Andreas Rosenschon, SUNY Buffalo
2-torsion in algebraic K-theory
12:30 - 2:00pm Lunch
2:00 pm Masoud Kahlkali, University of Western Ontario
Fourier-Mukai Transform and Complex Noncommutative Geometry
3:15 pm Matt Kerr, UCLA
Mumford's Theorem and Membrane Integrals
4:45 pm
Robert Osburn, Queen's University
Congruences for Traces of Singular Moduli
6:00 pm Seminar dinner
March 28, 2004  
10:00 am Ivan Dimitrov, Queen's University
Flag Realizations of Homogeneous Ind-Spaces
11:15 am June Zhu, McMaster University
Limit Behaviour for Zeta-Functions of Generic Artin-Schreier Covers

November 8-9 Program
Abstracts for the November 8-9 Program are available here.

November 8, 2003
10:00 a.m.

Ken Ono, University of Wisconsin, Madison
The trace formula and the modularity of rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds

11:00 a.m. Ling Long, Iowa State University
On cusp forms of non-congruence subgroups
12:00 p.m. Mike Roth, Queen's University
The affine stratification number of a variety
1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Lunch
2:30 p.m. Ramesh Sreekanten, University of Toronto
Non-Archimedean regulator maps and special values of L-functions
3:30 p.m Slava Archava, McMaster University
On the Hodge cycles of Milnor fibres
4:30 p.m. John Scherk, University of Toronto
Borel-Serre compactifications of the classifying spaces of Hodge structures
6:30 p.m. Seminar Dinner
November 9, 2003
10:00 a.m. Ragnar Buchweitz, University of Toronto
Semiregularity, Hochschild Cohomology, and the Centre of the Derived Category
11:00 a.m. Pramathanath Sastry, University of Toronto
Abstract and concrete aspects of Grothendieck duality
  Afternoon Discussions

October 4-5 Program
Abstracts for the October 4-5 Program are available here.

October 4, 2003
10:00 a.m.

James D. Lewis, University of Alberta
Algebraic Cycles and Mumford Invariants

11:15 a.m. Helena Verrill, Louisiana State University
The A4 Family of Calabi-Yau Threefolds
12:30 -2:00 Lunch
2:00 p.m. Xi Chen, University of Alberta
Noether-Lefschetz for Regulators K1 of Surfaces
3:15 p.m Kentaro Hori, University of Toronto
Aspects of Mirror Symmetry
4:45 p.m. Chuck Doran, Columbia University
Integral Structures, Toric Geometry, and Homological Mirror Symmetry
6:00 p.m. Seminar Dinner
October 5, 2003
10:00 a.m. Kumar Murty, University of Toronto
Splitting of abelian varieties
11:15 a.m. Ivan Dimitrov, Queen's University
Homogeneous spaces of classical ind-groups
  Afternoon Discussions


If you are interested in giving a lecture (or lectures), please send email to one of us. Noriko Yui (
James D. Lewis (

These weekend workshops are self-supporting workshops. If you need to reserve a hotel, please use the Fields housing page as a resource and for discounted rates for Fields participants.

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