September 19, 2024

Summer School in Operator Algebras
June 7-17, 2005
at the University of Ottawa, Ontario Canada

The Summer School is followed by 33rd Canadian Operator Symposium (COSy), June 19 - 24, 2005, dedicated to George Elliott's 60-th birthday.

Local Organizing Commitee

Thierry Giordano (University of Ottawa)
David Handelman (University of Ottawa)
Jamie Mingo (Queen's University)
Matthias Neufang (Carleton University)
Vladimir Pestov (University of Ottawa)

Advisory Committee

George Elliott (University of Toronto);
Ken Davidson (University of Waterloo);
Nigel Higson (Penn State University);
Ian Putnam (University of Victoria);
Roland Speicher (Queen's University).

Summer School

A two weeks' summer school will consist of short introductory courses in various areas of operator algebra theory that are of major current interest, mainly targeted at graduate students and postdoctoral fellows


The lectures will take place in the room A 0150 of the SITE building (This building is located on the South of the Campus).See:

On June 7, participants will be able to pick their registration kit from 8.30 to 9 am at the door of the room A 0150 of the SITE building, if you have not done yet so at the office of the Residence.

First week (June 7-11):

9 am - 10.30 am Stefaan Vaes (Paris VI)
Type III factors in non-commutative probability theory.
11am - 12.30 Roland Speicher (Queen's)
Free probability theory.
Lunch Break
2.30 - 3:35 pm Roger Smith (Texas A&M)
An introduction to the theory of operator spaces
3.45 - 4.15 pm
Coffee break
There will be time available for extra talks each afternoon after 4 pm. Details will be announced at the beginning of the week.

On June 13 participants will be able to pick up their registration kit from 8.30 to 9:00am at the door of room A
0150 of the SITE building.

Second week (June 13-17):

9 am - 10.30 am

Ian Putnam (Victoria): C*-algebras and dynamical systems;

10.30 am - 11 am

Coffee break

11am - 12.30


Mikael Rørdam (University of Southern Denmark)
Amenable C*-algebras and their classification;

Lunch break

2.30 pm - 4 pm

Nigel Higson (Penn State) : An introduction to noncommutative geometry

3.45 pm - 4.15 pm

Coffee break
There will be time available for extra talks each afternoon after 4.15 pm. Details will be announced at the beginning
of the week.

On June 16 and 17 at 4.15 pm, Marius Junge
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) will give two lectures entitled:
Probabilistic techniques in operator spaces.

A pizza party, partially sponsored by the Canadian Math Society student committee, a BBQ and visits to the Canadian Museum of Civilisation and the National Gallery of Canada are planned.

Notes on facilities and locations:

Participants may access their email and the internet in room MNT 142, on the first floor of Montpetit Hall. The computer
lab is open from 8.45 am to 8pm Monday to Friday and from 1pm to 5pm Saturday and Sunday. Conference identification
(schedule or name tag) must be presented upon arrival at the lab.

The department of Mathematics and Statistics is in 585 King Edward Ave, opposite Fauteux Hall.

The library of the University is in Morisset building (MRT). The monographs in mathematics are located on the
third floor and the periodicals on the sixth floor.

There are many dining possibilities on or near the campus: the cafeteria in Jock Turcot Centre; the Nostalgica,
graduate student pub across from Thomson residence; the Zoompub in the Sports Complex and several small restaurants, eateries and pubs on Laurier, Osgoode, and Somerset Streets, just off campus.

Funding Support

Support for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to cover travel and local expenses was available through the Fields Institute. The amount is not yet determined and will of course depend mainly on the total number of participants. The application deadline for financial support was April 22, and the decisions will be made the following week.

Registration Fees:

- first week of the Summer School:
June 7-11, 2005;

- 50 $ CDN for graduate students;
- 75 $ CDN for postdoctoral fellows;
- 100 $ CDN for regular participants;
- second week of the Summer School:
June 13-17, 2005;
- 50 $ CDN for graduate students;
- 75 $ CDN for postdoctoral fellows;
- 100 $ CDN for regular participants;
- 33rd Canadian Operator Symposium:
June 19-24, 2005.

- 50 $ CDN for graduate students;
- 100 $ CDN for postdoctoral fellows;
- 200 $ CDN for regular participants.

If you have any specific questions, please contact
Thierry Giordano or Vladimir Pestov .

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