September 19, 2024

Workshop on Combinatorial Inverse Systems
January 13-15, 2006
at the Fields Institute

Organizing Committee: Sara Faridi, Christophe Hohlweg, Mike Zabrocki

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This meeting will be a continuation of the successful workshops held in Kingston in 2004, and in Ottawa in 2005. The main achievement of the past events has been that they have established an on-going dialog between two separate research communities who had been using similar techniques to study different mathematical problems. The two groups are algebraic combinatorialists working on the representation theory of symmetric groups, and commutative algebraists studying resolutions and inverse systems.

The connections between these topics were highlighted in a successful meeting that took place in January 2004 at Queen's University in Kingston. In this meeting, through a series of expository lectures by Tony Geramita and François Bergeron, among others, it was made evident that interesting special cases of the notion of Macaulay's inverse systems of Commutative Algebra are essentially the same objects as coinvariants spaces studied in Algebraic Combinatorics and Representation Theory.

This year's meeting will continue in the same tradition. The main speakers are:

François Bergeron (UQAM)
Nantel Bergeron (York University)
Mats Boij (KTH, Stockholm)
Tony Geramita (Queen's Univerity)
Christophe Reutenauer (UQAM)

Tentative Schedule

Friday the 13
9h00: `Check in' and coffee
9h30-10h30: Christophe Reutenauer `P-partitions and a multi-parameter Klyachko idempotent'
10h30 Coffee
13h30-14h30: Tony Geramita `On the equations defining Secant Varieties of Segre Varieties
14h30: Coffee
15h00-16h00: Yongsu Shin `Generic Initial Ideals and Graded Artinian Level Algebras'

Saturday the 14
8h30-9h00: Coffee
9h00-11h00: Mats Boij `TBA'
11h00 Coffee
11h15-12:15: Mike Zabrocki `Noncommutative coinvariants'
14h00-15h00: Francois Bergeron `TBA'
15h00: Coffee
15h30-16h30: Adam Van Tuyl `On the Resolution of Edge Ideals'

Sunday the 15
9h00-10h30: Nantel Bergeron `Quotients'
10h30: Coffee break
11h00-12h00: Alexander Yong `Computing Singularities of Schubert Varieties'

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