September 19, 2024

June 18-23, 2007
Conference on Combinatorics and Optimization
University of Waterloo

Organizing Committee:
Andris Ambainis, Bill Cunningham, Ian Goulden,
Alfred Menezes, Bruce Richter (Chair), Paul Schellenberg, Levent Tuncel

Registered Participants

Fullname University Name
Aazami, Ashkan University of Waterloo
Ahmadi, Omran University of Waterloo
Alexander, Tony University of Waterloo
Alfakih, Abdo Y. University of Windsor
Alon, Noga Tel Aviv University
Ambainis, Andris University of Waterloo
Andrews, George E. Pennsylvania State University
Anjos, Miguel University of Waterloo
Au, Yu Hin University of Waterloo
Bach, Eric University of Wisconsin at Madison
Baker, Andrew University of Guelph
Bang, Junsik ETRI
Bennett, Charles H. IBM Research
Ben-Or, Michael Hebrew University
Biane, Philippe Ecole Normale Supérieure
Bokal, Drago University of Waterloo
Bourjolly, Jean-Marie UQAM
Boyd, Sylvia University of Ottawa
Brassard, Gilles Université de Montréal
Broadbent, Anne Université de Montréal
Brown, Daniel Certicom
Campagna, Matthew Certicom
Carnes, Timothy Cornell University
Caron, Richard J. University of Windsor
Casteels, Karel Simon Fraser University
Cavers, Michael University of Regina
Chan, Melody Princeton University
Cheng, Eddie Oakland University
Cheriyan, Joseph University of Waterloo
Cheung, Donny University of Waterloo
Cheung, Kevin Carleton University
Cheung, Maurice University of Waterloo
Chiniforooshan, Ehsan University of Waterloo
Cho, Hee Je Konkuk University
Christian, Robin University of Waterloo
Chudnovsky, Maria Columbia University
Cocoros, Kimberly Department of Defense
Coleman, Thomas F. University of Waterloo
Conforti, Michele University of Padova
Conn, Andrew R. IBM WATSON
Cook, William Georgia Institute of Technology
Cornuéjols, Gerard Carnegie Mellon University
Crépeau, Claude McGill University
Cuckler, Bill University of Delaware
Cunningham, William H. University of Waterloo
de Beaudrap, Niel University of Waterloo
de Wolf, Ronald Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI)
Déchène, Isabelle University of Waterloo
Demasi, Lino University of Waterloo
Di Summa, Marco Università di Padova
Ding, Yichuan University of Waterloo
Dorrigiv, Reza University of Waterloo
Drake, Brian Brandeis University
Dujmovic, Nancy Department of Defense
Ellingham, Mark Vanderbilt University
Elliott-Magwood, Paul University of Ottawa
Faux, Roberta Department of Defense
Freivalds, Rusins University of Latvia
Freund, Robert M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fukunaga, Takuro Kyoto University
Gallant, Robert Memorial University
Gao, Pu University of Waterloo
Geelen, James University of Waterloo
Gerards, Bert Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Godsil, Chris University of Waterloo
Goemans, Michel Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gorodezky, Igor University of Waterloo
Gottesman, Daniel Perimeter Institute
Goulden, Ian University of Waterloo
Grossman, George Central Michigan University
Haiman, Mark D. University of California, Berkeley
Hamel, Angele Wilfrid Laurier University
Hartfiel, Adam University of Windsor
Hartnell, Bert Saint Mary's University
Harvey, Nick Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hatami, Hamed University of Toronto
Hatzl, Johannes University of Waterloo
Haxell, Penny University of Waterloo
Hayden, Patrick McGill University
Helmberg, Christoph TU Chemnitz
Hoppen, Carlos University of Waterloo
Horton, Joseph D. University of New Brunswick
Huq, Aminul Brandeis University
Hutchinson, Joan Macalester College
Huynh, Tony University of Waterloo
Ioannou, Lawrence University of Cambridge
Irving, John Saint Mary's University
Iwata, Satoru Kyoto University
Jackson, David M. University of Waterloo
Jain, Rahul University of Waterloo
Janussen, Kaare KU Leuven
Kaibel, Volker Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Kakimura, Naonori The University of Tokyo
Kaye, Phillip Government of Canada
Kempe, Julia Université de Paris-Sud
Khan, Nasiruddin University of Karachi
Khatirinejad, Mahdad Simon Fraser University
Kim, Edward University of California, Davis
Kim, Jiae Seoul National University
Kim, Seog-Jin Konkuk University
Koblitz, Neal University of Washington
Konemann, Jochen University of Waterloo
Krislock, Nathan University of Waterloo
Lackey, Brad National Information Assurance Research Laboratory
LaCroix, Michael University of Waterloo
Lam, Charles California State University, Bakersfield
Lee, Soojeon ETRI
Leung, Debbie University of Waterloo
Lewis, Adrian Cornell University
Li, Yue University of Guelph
Lopez-Ortiz, Alejandro University of Waterloo
Makai, Márton Eötvös Loránd University
Mashatan, Atefeh University of Waterloo
Maslov, Dmitri University of Waterloo
Mayhew, Dillon Victoria University of Wellington
McDonald, Jessica University of Waterloo
McIntosh, Charlie Wesleyan University
McKague, Matthew University of Waterloo
Menezes, Alfred University of Waterloo
Mirjalalieh Shirazi, Mirhamed University of Waterloo
Mirrokni, Vahab Microsoft Research
Moazeni, Somayeh University of Waterloo
Mohar, Bojan Simon Fraser University
Molloy, Michael University of Toronto
Moré, Jorge Argonne National Laboratory
Mosca, Michele University of Waterloo
Mullin, Ronald University of Waterloo
Murty, U.S.R. University of Waterloo
Nagano, Kiyohito University of Tokyo
Nagarajan, Chandrashekhar Cornell University
Naor, Assaf Microsoft Research
Nayak, Ashwin University of Waterloo
Nesterov, Yurii Université catholique de Louvain
Odlyzko, Andrew University of Minnesota
Omar, Mohamed University of Waterloo
Ostrowski, Jim Lehigh University
Oum, Sang-Il University of Waterloo
Oyono, Roger University of Waterloo
Pang, Chin How Jeffrey Cornell University
Pap, Gyula Eotvos University
Pap, Julia Eotvos Lorand University
Parekh, Ojas Emory University
Peinhardt, Matthias Otto-von-Guericke University
Perez, Carlos A. University of Waterloo
Pfetsch, Marc Zuse Institute Berlin
Pintsov, Leon Pitney Bowes
Pivotto, Irene University of Waterloo
Pralat, Pawel Dalhousie University
Préville-Ratelle, Louis-François University of Waterloo
Pritchard, David University of Waterloo
Proos, John CSE
Pulleyblank, William R. IBM Global Services
Rajaram, Siddharth University of Waterloo
Rattan, Amarpreet Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ravi, Peruvemba Sundaram University of Waterloo
Read, Ron University of Waterloo
Redlich, Amanda Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Regev, Oded Tel-Aviv University
Renegar, James Cornell University
Richmond, Bruce University of Waterloo
Richter, R. Bruce University of Waterloo
Roetteler, Martin NEC Laboratories America
Rooney, Brendan University of Waterloo
Roy, Aidan University of Calgary
Schalekamp, Frans Nature Source Genetics
Schellenberg, Paul University of Waterloo
Schmitt, John Middlebury College
Schrijver, Alexander Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Schulman, Leonard J. California Institute of Technology
Schurr, Simon University of Waterloo
Sebö, Andras G-SCOP
Sendov, Hristo University of Western Ontario
Seymour, Paul D. Princeton University
Sharma, Yogeshwer Cornell University
Sheridan, Lana University of Waterloo
Shioda, Romy University of Waterloo
Shor, Peter W. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sikora, Jamie University of Waterloo
Silverberg, Alice University of California at Irvine
Simjour, Narges University of Waterloo
Sivaraman, Vaidy The Ohio State University
Sloss, Craig University of Waterloo
Smith, Graeme Bristol University
Sokal, Alan New York University
Solinas, Jerome A. National Security Agency
Soto, Jose Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stanley, Richard P. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stebila, Douglas University of Waterloo
Steiner, George McMaster University
Stembridge, John University of Michigan
Stern, Michal CRI and MTA
Sudakov, Benjamin Princeton University
Sullivan, Blair D. Princeton University
Sutherland, Andrew Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Swamy, Chaitanya University of Waterloo
Szigeti, Zoltan INPG-Laboratoire G-SCOP
Tardos, Eva Cornell University
Terhal, Barbara IBM
Teske, Edlyn University of Waterloo
Thomas, Robin Georgia Institute of Technology
Thomason, A.G. University of Cambridge
Thomassen, Carsten Technical University of Denmark
Todd, Michael J. Cornell University
Tunçel, Levent University of Waterloo
Umar, Abdullahi KFUPM
Upadhyay, Sarvagya University of Waterloo
Ustaoglu, Berkant University of Waterloo
Vakil, Ravi Stanford University
van Zuylen, Anke Cornell University
van Zwam, Stefan Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Vanstone, Scott University of Waterloo
Vavasis, Stephen A. University of Waterloo
Vazirani, Umesh University of California, Berkeley
Visentin, Terry University of Winnipeg
Wagner, David University of Waterloo
Wagner, Donald Office of Naval Research
Wagner, Stephan Stellenbosch University
Webb, Robert California Polytechnic State University
Wheatley, David University of Waterloo
Whitehead, Jr., Earl Glen University of Pittsburgh
Williams, Hugh C. University of Calgary
Williamson, David P. Cornell University
Wilson, Richard California Institute of Technology
Wolkowicz, Henry University of Waterloo
Wright, Margaret H. New York University
Wright, Steven J. University of Wisconsin
Xiu, Naihua University of Waterloo
Xu, Liang University of Washington
Xu, Wei University of Ottawa
Ye, Yinyu Stanford University
Yip, Martha University of Wisconsin-Madison
Younger, Dan University of Waterloo
Zhang, Shengyu Institute for Quantum Information

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