September 19, 2024

Symposium on Dependent Data Structures
May 21 - 23, 2008

at Carleton University
Venue: 5050 Minto Centre

Spnsored by

Patrick Farrell (pfarrell AT
Shirley Mills (smills AT

Chul Guy Park (cgpark AT
Sanjoy Sinha (sinha AT
on-site May 21, $200 CDN
$100 CDN, students & postdoctoral fellows
(fee includes a banquet ticket)
(fees waived for invited speakers)

Schedule A map of Campus
Contributed Presentations Accommodation Resources
Participant List Directions to Carleton


A three-day symposium will be held in the analysis and simulation of dependent responses, focusing on the areas of longitudinal data analysis, mixed models, missing data analysis, spatial data analysis, ordinal categorical data analysis, the simulation of dependent random variates, along with various biostatistical and health applications.

Invited Speakers

David Brillinger (University of California, Berkeley)
Michel Chavance (INSERM, France)
Richard Cook (University of Waterloo)
Charmaine Dean (Simon Fraser University)
Subhash Lele (University of Alberta)
Charles McCulloch (University of California, San Francisco)
J.N.K. Rao (Carleton University)
David Sankoff (University of Ottawa)
Brajendra Sutradhar (Memorial University)

Contributed Presentations

There will be a limited number of contributed talks. If you wish to give a talk at the symposium, please send a title and abstract to S. Sinha at on or before March 20. Submissions must include the paper’s title, as well as the authors’ names and affiliations.

Funding Support

Support for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to cover travel and local expenses will be available through the Fields Institute. The amount is not yet determined and will depend on the total number of participants. The application deadline for financial support was March 20.

Participant List

Fullname University Name
Alam, Sarah Carleton University
Al-Maflehi, Nassr Carleton University
Almaskut, Ahmed Carleton University
Brillinger, David University of California, Berkeley
Chavance, Michel INSERM U780
Chen, Xu Carleton University
Chkrebtii, Oksana Carleton University
Chowdhury, Salehin Carleton University
Cook, Richard J. University of Waterloo
Csorgo, Miklos Carleton University
Dasylva, Abel Carleton University
Davis, Karelyn Carleton University / Statistics Canada
Dean, Charmaine Simon Fraser University
Erhardt, Vinzenz Munich University of Technics
Farrell, Patrick Carleton University
Hewa, Wimali Carleton University
Jiang, Dan Carleton University
Kim, Hyang Mi University of Calgary
Lei, Jieping Carleton University
Lele, Subhash University of Alberta
Liu, Jun Carleton University
Loredo-Osti, JC Memorial University
Loukine, Lidia Carleton University
Malowany, Morie Carleton University
Martsynyuk, Yuliya Carleton University
McCulloch, Charles E. University of California, San Francisco
Mills, Shirley Carleton University
Moreno, Monica University of Alberta
Nasari, Masoud Carleton University
Nielsen, Jason Carleton University
Ould-Haye, Mohamedou Carleton University
Pandeliev, Todor Carleton University
Park, Chul Guy Carleton University
Qiao, Cunye Carleton University
Rahman, Noor-E-Shams Carleton University
Rao, Jon N.K. Carleton University
Rogers-Stewart, Katrina Carleton University
Rowe, Geoff Statistics Canada
Sankoff, David University of Ottawa
Shin, Hwashin Hyun Health Canada & University of Ottawa
Singh, Avi Statistics Canada
Sinha, Sanjoy Carleton University
Sivathayalan, Ahalya Carleton University
Sutradhar, Brajendra C. Memorial University of Newfoundland
Szyszkowicz, Barbara Carleton University
Tagore, Vickneswary Memorial University
Tayeb, Arafat Université Laval
Winiszewska, Gosia Carleton University
Yi, Yanqing University of Manitoba
Zeng, Leilei Simon Fraser University
Zhan, Lina Carleton University
Zhang, Chunlei Carleton University
Zhang, Shoulan Carleton University
Zhong, Qinwen Carleton University
To Be Confirmed
Cabanlit, Epimaco, Jr. Mindanao State Universtiy
Haji Egeh, Ayan  


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