September 19, 2024

July 17-19, 2007
Fields Institute Summer Workshop on Environmetrics
University of Waterloo

Organizing Committee:
Grace Chiu (UWaterloo, Statistics and Actuarial Science)
Abdel El-Shaarawi (Environment Canada, Aquatic Ecosystem Management Research Branch)
Román Viveros (McMaster, Mathematics and Statistics)

Supported by:

Statistics Society
of Canada (SSC)

Registered Participants as of July 10, 2007 (91 participants)

Fullname University Name
Ahmed, Rashid University of Waterloo
Ali, Jawd S. University of Baghdad
Asada, Taro University of Waterloo
Awortwi, Francis Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Bolyachevets, Andrew University of Waterloo
Bouhaddioui, Chafik United Arab Emirates University
Braun, W. John University of Western Ontario
Brillinger, David University of California, Berkeley
Buehner, Mark Meteorological Service of Canada
Butt, Craig University of Toronto
Chang, Pei-Chun University of Waterloo
Chen, Bei University of Waterloo
Chen, Shun-Fu University of Western Ontario
Chen, Yan University of Waterloo
Chen, Zhijian University of Waterloo
Chenouri, Shojaeddin University of Waterloo
Chiu, Grace University of Waterloo
Dayyani dardashti, Shadi McGill University
D'eon, Jessica University of Toronto
Dong, Bin University of Waterloo
Dowd, Michael Dalhousie University
Dubin, Joel University of Waterloo
El-Shaarawi, Abdel National Water Research Institute
Esterby, Sylvia University of British Columbia Okanagan
Feng, Ou University of Western Ontario
Fill, Oksanna McMaster University
Fleury, Manon Public Health Agency of Canada
Gagne, Genevieve McGill University
Gillis, Dan University of Guelph
Goh, Joslin University of Waterloo
Grant, Jonathan Dalhousie University
Gregoire, Timothy G. Yale University
Hamden, Mohammed Abdul Redha University of Baghdad
Han, David McMaster University
Harder, Gregory Vancouver Community College
Higgins, Scott University of Waterloo
Hines, Gordon University of Guelph
Holt, John University of Guelph
Hood, Jennifer University of Waterloo
Houben, Adam University of Waterloo
Hui, Wallace University of Waterloo
Jackson, Vicky University of Waterloo
Khan, Shahedul University of Waterloo
Kramer, Erika University of Waterloo
Krylova, Olga McMaster University
Ma, Jinhui McMaster University
Mahmud, Mamun Health Canada
McLeod, Ian A. University of Western Ontario
McMeans, Bailey University of Windsor
Meng, Gang University of Waterloo
Mesones, Laura McGill University
Moazeni, Somayeh University of Waterloo
Mojirsheibani, Majid Carleton University
Murphy, Mitch Carleton University
Murphy, Stephen D. University of Waterloo
Niu, Shi Lei University of Waterloo
Njuru, Peter University of Waterloo
Oelbermann, Maren University of Waterloo
O'Hara Hines, Jeanette University of Waterloo
Olin, Jill University of Windsor
Ozersky, Ted University of Waterloo
Patterson, Matthew University of Waterloo
Raffa, Jesse University of Waterloo
Rahn, Jessica Environment Canada
Rohter, Jacob Washington University in St. Louis
Routledge, Rick Simon Fraser University
Sanful, Peter Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Scott, Ryan University of Waterloo
Sinha, Sanjoy Carleton University
Somashekar, Vidisha McGill University
Stanford, David University of Western Ontario
Su, Wanhua University of Waterloo
Szyszkowicz, Mieczyslaw Health Canada
Szyszkowicz, Sebastian Carleton University
Turner, Jay Washington University in St. Louis
van Heusden, Anton Environment Canada
Viveros-Aguilera, Román McMaster University
Wang, Hui McMaster University
Wang, Li University of Waterloo
Wei, Hong University of Waterloo
Wu, Shan Shan University of Waterloo
Xiong, Weiwei McMaster University
Xiong, Xiaoqin University of Waterloo
Yates, Charlotte McGill University
Ye, Chenglin McMaster University
Yu, Han University of Waterloo
Yuan, Yan University of Waterloo
Zhang, Yuxin University of Waterloo
Zhou, Lutong University of Western Ontario
Zhu, Rong McMaster University

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