September 19, 2024

Biomathematics & Biostatistics (BioM&S) Symposium 2008
September 3, 2008 -- University of Guelph

Organizing Committee:
Paul McNicholas and Allan Willms
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Guelph,

This will be the 5th annual University of Guelph Biomathematics & Biostatistics (BioM&S) Symposium. The symposium brings together researchers from a variety of disciplines; epidemiology, biology, mathematics, statistics and information technology. Each symposium has a theme and this year's theme is Nonlinear Methods for Parameter Estimation.
The previous themes were:
2007 The Analysis and Statistical Modeling of Infectious Disease Data.
2006 Applications of Computational Intelligence to Biology.
2005 Modeling in Oncology: Problems and Challenges.
2004 Mathematical and Statistical Methods in the Life Sciences.

The principal objective of the symposium is to facilitate collaborations between mathematicians, statisticians and bioscience researchers.

We are pleased to announce that Professor James Hanley, from the Department of Epidemiology at McGill, will deliver this year's Gordon C. Ashton Biometric Lecture at the symposium.


Wednesday, September 3
Talks to be held in the Albert A. Thornbrough Building, Room 1307
8.45- 8.55 Welcome, Opening comments and introduction of the Gordon C. Ashton Biometric Lecture.
Session 1 – Gordon C. Ashton Biometric Lecture
8.55-10.10 James Hanley, McGill University
A new way to fit smooth-in-time hazard functions, a Cox regression / ANCOVA paradox, and statistical analyses for an unusual clinical trial design.
10.15-10.25 Discussion
10.25-10.45 Coffee break
Session 2 – Biostatistics
10.45-11.15 Bingshu Chen, Queens University
Competing Risks Analysis of Correlated Failure Time Data.
11.20-11.50 Peter Kim & Michael Pierrynowski, University of Guelph
Statistical Estimation of Curvature and Torsion with Application to Biomechanics
11.55-12.25. Angelo Canty, McMaster
Model-based Bootstrapping for M-estimators
12.30-1.30 Lunch.
Session 3 – Graduate Student Presentations
1.30-1.45 Majid Bani-Yaghoub, Carleton University
Numerical study of neuronal differentiation influenced by Retinoic Acid and Notch interaction
1.50-2.05 Hedia Fgaier, University of Guelph
Mathematical modeling and analysis of probiotic bacteria.
2.10-2.25 Shilan Mistry, Oxford Univesity
Detrended fluctuation analysis of compositional time series.
2.30-2:45 Shahedul Ahsan Khan, University of Waterloo
An Extension of Bent-Cable Regression for Longitudinal Data.
2:50-3:10 Coffee break
Session 4 – Biomathematics
3.10-3.40 Sivabal Sivaloganathan, University of submitted onlineWaterloo
Mathematical modelling of hydrocephalus and the possible role of transcapillary filtration.
3.45-4.15 Brian Ingalls, University of Waterloo
Parameter estimation in molecular systems biology
4.20-4.25. Closing comments

To contribute a talk or poster abstract

Graduate students are encouraged to give 20-minute oral pesentations and both graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to give poster presentations. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations, deadlien to submit was August 15.

Participant List as of August 26, 2008

Fullname University Name
Ahmad, M. Rauf Göttingen University
Albahouth, Abdullah University of Guelph
Allen, Brian University of Guelph
Andrews, Jeff University of Guelph
Bani-Yaghoub, Majid Carleton University
Bari, Abdallah  
Basuvaraj, Mahendran University of Guelph
Bauch, Chris University of Guelph
Canty, Angelo McMaster University
Carter, Ed University of Guelph
Chen, Bingshu Queen's University
Chung, Hau Yi University of Guelph
Collinson, Shannon University of Guelph
Deardon, Rob University of Guelph
Deeth, Lorna University of Guelph
Desmond, Tony University of Guelph
Downs, Gregory University of Guelph
Dubin, Joel University of Waterloo
Eberl, Hermann J. University of Guelph
Feng, Zeny University of Guelph
Fernandes, Andrew University of Western Ontario
Fieldhouse, Robert University of Guelph
Frederick, Mallory University of Guelph
Garvie, Marcus University of Guelph
Gold, Jourdan University of Guelph
Guo, Qing McMaster University
Hanley, James McGill University
Ingalls, Brian University of Waterloo
Iraniparast, Maryam University of Waterloo
Kim, Peter University of Guelph
Kitanov, Petko University of Guelph
Kolhatkar, Ratnadha Ottawa University
Kumar, Rajesh All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Langford, William University of Guelph
McEachern, Andrew University of Guelph
McNicholas, Paul University of Guelph
Mistry, Shilan Oxford University
Pierrynowski, Michael McMaster University
Shaikh, Mateen University of Guelph
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal University of Waterloo
Stacey, Deborah University of Guelph
Steane, Michelle University of Guelph
Subedi, Sanjeena University of Guelph
Tonnang Zefack, Edouard Henri University of Nairobi / ICIPE
Tucker, Anita University of Guelph
Willms, Allan University of Guelph
Wormald, Hanna University of Waterloo
Xie, Shengkun University of Guelph
Xu, Ruimin University of Guelph
Yang, Xiaojian University of Guelph
Zhao, Hong University of Guelph


