September 19, 2024

April 20-22, 2009
Workshop on Computational Methods for Hyperbolic Problems
University of Waterloo, Department of Applied Mathematics

Local Organizers : Lilia Krivodonova, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo

The goal of this workshop is to bring together active researchers in the area of numerical solutions for hyperbolic problems. A variety of numerical schemes for hyperbolic systems will be represented, including nite volume, spectral element, discontinuous Galerkin and meshfree methods. Modelling and high performance computing will also be topics covered by the workshop.

ACCOMODATION: Hotel rooms have been pre-reserved in two hotels. Please see the link at the top of this page for more information.

TRAVEL: Please see the link at the top of this page for directions to Waterloo and to the workshop.


Tim Barth (NASA Ames)
Marsha Berger (NYU)
Martin Berzins (U of Utah)
Hans De Sterk (U of Waterloo)
Clinton Groth (U of T)
Jae-Hun Jung (SUNY buffalo)
Smadar Karni (U of Michigan)
Barbara Keyfitz (Ohio)

Marc Laforest (Mtl Polytechnic)
Emmanuel Lorin (UOIT)
Carl Ollivier-Gooch (UBC)
Steve Ruuth (Simon Frazer )
Chi-Wang Shu (Brown)
Marek Stastna (U of Waterloo)
Allen Tesdall (CUNY)
Tim Warburton (Rice)

Workshop Schedule

Monday April 20th
8:45-9:00 Introduction and Welcome
9:00-10:00 Marsha Berger, New York Univeristy
Status Report on Embedded Boundary Grids
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:15 Clinton Groth, University of Toronto
Numerical Solution of Continuum and Non-Equilibrium Flows Using Hyperbolic and Physically-Realizable Descriptions Based on Moment Closures
11:15-12:00 Carl Ollivier-Gooch, University of British Columbia
High-Order Accurate Unstructured Mesh Finite-Volume Schemes for Computational Aerodynamics
12:00-13:30 Lunch

Marek Stastna, University of Waterloo
Application of hyperbolic system methods to dispersive, nonlinear internal waves and porous media acoustics


Martin Berzins, University of Utah
Nonlinear High-Order Space and Time Discretization Methods

15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:15 Smadar Karni, University of Michigan
A Hybrid Scheme for the Baer-Nunziato Two-Phase Flow Model
16:15-18:00 Reception and poster session
Tuesday April 21st
9:00-10:00 Chi-Wang Shu, Brown University
Superconvergence and Time Evolution of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Solutions
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:15 Barbara Keyfitz, Ohio State University
Linear and Nonlinear Stability of Shocks
11:15-12:00 Marc Laforest, Montreal Polytechnic
An adaptive version of the Illner-Rjasanow stochastic scheme for the Boltzmann equation
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:15 Lilia Krivodonova, University of Waterloo
A space and time adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method
14:15-15:00 Allen Tesdall, CUNY
A two-phase Stefan problem for the unsteady transonic small disturbance equations
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:15 Jae-Hun Jung, SUNY Buffalo
Spectral collocation methods for hyperbolic equations with singular sources
Wednesday April 22nd
9:00-10:00 Timothy Barth, NASA Ames
Error Representation for Time Dependent Compressible Flow Calculations
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:15 Timothy Warburton, Rice University
Advances in Wave Propagation with the Discontinuous Galerkin Method
11:15-12:00 Steve Ruuth, Simon Frazer University
A Simple Technique for Solving Partial Differential Equations on Surfaces
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:15 Hans De Sterck, University of Waterloo
Efficient solution of stationary Euler flows with critical points and shocks
14:15-15:00 Emmanuel Lorin, UOIT
About the reservoir technique for hyperbolic conservation laws


Participant List as of April 14, 2009

Fullname University Name
Aoki, Yasunori University of Waterloo
Barth, Tim NASA Ames Research Center
Berger, Marsha Courant Institute
Berzins, Martin University of Utah
Connor, Dale University of Waterloo
De Sterck, Hans University of Waterloo
Djoumna, Georges University of Waterloo
Groth, Clinton University of Toronto
Ivan, Lucian University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
Jung, Jae-Hun SUNY Buffalo
Karni, Smadar University of Michigan
Keyfitz, Barbara Ohio State University
Krivodonova, Lilia University of Waterloo
Laforest, Marc École Polytechnique de Montréal
Lorin, Emmanuel UOIT
MacKay, Ian University of Guelph
Martin, Tara University of Waterloo
McDonald, James University of Toronto
Niu, Shilei University of Waterloo
Ollivier-Gooch, Carl University of British Columbia
Qin, Ruibin University of Waterloo
Rostrup, Scott University of Waterloo
Ruuth, Steven Simon Fraser University
Sattari, Paria University of Western Ontario
Shu, Chi-Wang Brown University
Stastna, Marek University of Waterloo
Subich, Christopher University of Waterloo
Tabatabaieyazdi, Mohammad Ryerson University
Tesdall, Allen City University of New York, College of Staten Island
Tomar, Nutan Kumar Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Tran, Lethuy University of Utah
Warburton, Tim Rice University

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