September 19, 2024

Friday, May 14, 2010
Southern Ontario Dynamics Day Workshop
organized by York University and the University of Guelph

held at the Fields Institute (map)

Organizing Committee  
Huaiping Zhu, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University William Langford, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Guelph
Audio and slides of talks
available shortly
Schedule Speaker Abstracts
Directions to Fields Housing and Hotels


The 2010 Southern Ontario Dynamics Day is co-organized by the Departments of Mathematics & Statistics of the University of Guelph and York University and by The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Science. The workshop will be hosted by the Fields Institute.
The Southern Ontario Dynamics Day history dates back at least 20 years. The event is organized on a rotating basis by different Southern Ontario Universities. It was hosted at the Fields Institute in April 2006. The 2010 Dynamics Day program will consist of 15 invited lectures. The program will cover very diverse and exciting new areas of research in dynamical systems theory including bifurcation theory and applications.

Invited Speakers

Sue Ann Campbell (University of Waterloo)
Yuming Chen (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Jane Heffernan (York University)
Victor LeBlanc (University of Ottawa)
Chengzhi Li (Beijing and York University)
Mary Pugh (University of Toronto)
Christiane Rousseau (University of Montreal)
Lennaert van Veen (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
Jianhong Wu (York University)
Yingfei Yi (Georgia Tech.)
Jianshe Yu (Guangzhou University, China)

In addition, there will be sessions for postdoctoral researchers.


8:30-9:00 On-Site Registration and Morning Coffee
9:00-9:30 Christiane Rousseau (Université de Montréal)
Codimension one 1-resonant singularities of analytic dynamical systems
9:30-10:00 Chengzhi Li (Peking University & York Univeristy)
Cyclicities of period annulus for quadratic integrable systems under quadratic perturbations
10:00-10:15 Coffee Break
10:15-10:45 Sue Ann Campbell (University of Waterloo)
Approximating the Stability Region of a Neural Network with a General Distribution of Delays.
10:45-11:15 Victor LeBlanc (University of Ottawa)
Realization of multiple Hopf bifurcations in DDEs
11:15-11:45 Yuming Chen (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Threshold dynamics of a delayed reaction diffusion equation subject to Dirichlet condition
11:45-12:15 Jane Heffernan (York University)
An introduction to mathematical immunology
12:15-1:15 Lunch Break
1:15-1:45 Mary Pugh (University of Toronto)
Coating flows on slowly rotating cylinders
1:45-2:15 Lennaert van Veen (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
The tangled edge of turbulence in bursting Couette flow
2:15-2:30 Coffee Break
Dynamical Systems and Infectious Diseases: Postdoc Session
2:30-2:50 Hongbin Guo (York University)
Global stability of the endemic equilibrium for a staged-progression model with immigration
2:50-3:10 Guihong Fan (York University)
The role of vectors in vector-borne disease
3:10-3:30 Redouane Qesmi (York University)
Symbolic Computation of Elements of Bifurcation in Delay Differential Equations
3:30-3:50 Hui Wan (York University)
Backward bifurcation in models for West Nile virus
3:50-4:10 Mohammad Dur-E-Ahmad (University of Waterloo)
Computational model of CA3 hippocampal network
4:10-4:30 Samit Bhattacharyya (University of Guelph)
A game theoretical approach to modelling non-vaccinator and delayer behaviours in pandemic influenza
4:30-4:50 Sehjeong Kim (York University)
A multigroup model for a heterosexually transmitted disease
4:50-5:10 Daihai He (McMaster University)
Likelihood-based inference on the cause of multiple waves in the 1918 influenza pandemic in London
5:10-5:30 Jiafeng Wang (York University)
Dynamical modeling of mosquito population in Peel Region with weather conditions
5:30-5:50 Suma Ghosh (York University)
Characterization of H1N1 pandemic waves under various mitigation


List of Confirmed Participants as of May 12, 2010:

Full Name University Name
Alsharief, Laila University of Waterloo
Andrews, Rob (no affiliation)
Bhattacharyya, Samit University of Guelph
Campbell, Sue Ann University of Waterloo
Chen, Yuming WilFrid Laurier University
D.Hamedani, Hamideh Shahid Beheshti University
Dur-e-Ahmad, Muhammad University of Waterloo
Dutta, Tripti York University
Duvvuri, Venkata York University
Fan, Guihong York University
Ferguson, Katie University of Toronto/ Toronto Western Research Institute
Ghosh, Suma York University
Guo, Hongbin York University
Guo, Zhiming University of Western Ontario
Halevy, Itamar  
He, Daihai McMaster University
Heffernan, Jane York University
Hu, Qingwen Memorial University of Newfoundland
Huang, Chuangxia University of Western Ontario
Kim, Sehjeong St. Michael's Hospital
Lai, Xiulan University of Western Ontario
Langford, William University of Guelph
LeBlanc, Victor University of Ottawa
Li, Chengzhi Peking University
Lloyd, Drew University of Waterloo
McCluskey, Connell Wilfrid Laurier University
Nagy, Lisa University of Waterloo
Pugh, Mary C. University of Toronto
Qesmi, Redouane York University
Rahman, Ashrafur University of Western Ontario
Rousseau, Christiane Université de Montréal
Valenta, George  
van Veen, Lennaert UOIT
Wan, Hui York University
Wang, Jiafeng York University
Xiao, Yanyu University of Western Ontario
Xu, Jin University of Western Ontario
Yang, Zhichun University of Western Ontario
Yi, Yingfei Georgia Institute of Technology
Yu, Jianshe Guangzhou University
Zhang, Lingling University of Waterloo
Zhou, Yinggao York University
Zhu, Huaiping York University
Buono, Pietro-Luciano University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Wolkowicz, Gail McMaster University
Yu, Pei University of Western Ontario
Zou, Xingfu University of Western Ontario

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