September 19, 2024

July 6 to July 10, 2010
Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference

University of Waterloo

Organizing Committee
• Professor Ian Goulden (Chair of Combintorics Department at Waterloo )
• Jack Rehder (Executive Assistant to the Dean of Mathematics)
• Richard Zsolt (Waterloo Student)
• Elliot Lipnowski (Waterloo Student)
• Daniel Johnstone (Waterloo Student)
Online registration now closed.

List of Participants Accommodation
Map to Waterloo


Beginning in 1994 at McGill, the CUMC has grown over the last 15 years to be one of Canada's largest undergraduate conferences. The conference aims to give students a valuable experience in Mathematics beyond
what is available in their normal studies. The conference features students with interests in, but not limited to, Economics, Physics, Bioinformatics, Statistics, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. In recent years, the conference has been featured internationally with students from the United States, Europe and South Asia traveling to attend.

Outline of Events

  • Students interested in coming to the CUMC may attend at a cost of 80 CAD.
  • The conference will officially begin at 5 p.m. on July 6 and end at 10 a.m. on July 10.
  • An opening banquet will be held at University of Waterloo Club Restaurant at 7:30 p.m.
    on July 6. A closing banquet will be held at Huether Hotel in Uptown Waterloo in the
    evening on July 9.
  • We are planning to have 7 keynote speakers over the course of the conference. Frank
    Morgan, Vice President of the Mathematical Association of America , is confirmed to
    speak on July 7.
    • From July 7 to July 9, there will be regularly scheduled morning and afternoon
    conference blocks for students to give lectures, and one final conference block on the
    morning of July 10. A conference block will last for approximately 3 hours, during
    which a series of 25- or 45-minute student talks will be held in 4 presentation rooms
    • On the evenings of July 7, 8, and 9, students will have free time to explore the
    surrounding city and campus.


For students wishing to stay on campus, they can stay in one of the spaces reserved at Ron Eydt Village, a campus residence at theUniversity of Waterloo. Enough rooms have been reserved for 200 people for the nights from July 6 to July 9. The total cost per student for an accommodation at Ron Eydt is 170 CAD, which includes 4 breakfasts and 3 lunches.

List of Confirmed Participants as of June 28, 2010:

Full Name University Name
Andruchuk, Grant University of Winnipeg
Arykov, Dmitri University of British Columbia
Austin, Beth Ann Memorial University
Babcock, Ben Lakehead University
Baker, Michael University of Waterloo
Bao, Yuanxun Bill Simon Fraser University
Barron, David University Of Waterloo
Bates, Lauren Queen's University
Ben David, Shalev University of Waterloo
Bergsma, Hannah Redeemer University College
Bering, Edgar University of Waterloo
Bernstein, Judy York University
Best, Ana McGill University
Best, Darcy University of Lethbridge
Blackman, Jonathan University of British Columbia
Blais, Eric Bishop's University
Boiteau, Éloïse Université Laval
Booth, Ryan University of British Columbia
Brydon, Dale University of Waterloo
Butler, Paul University of Waterloo
Campbell, Natalie Redeemer University College
Cerezo, Richard University of Toronto
Chakraborty, Apratim University of Waterloo
Chapman, Amy Dalhousie University
Charlesworth, Ian University of Waterloo
Chaurette, Laurent University of Montreal
Cheek, Caleb University of Alberta
Chen, Kangning University of Waterloo
Chen, Long McGill University
Cho, Yoonsang University of Waterloo
Church, Kevin University of Ottawa
Coles, Matthew McMaster University
Cottrell, Cyndie McGill University
Cousins, Gregory McMaster University
Crevier, Erik University of Waterloo
Cridland, Alex McMaster University
da Silva, Segio University of Toronto
Dai, Wei Dalhousie University
Daly, Caitlin McMaster University
Dart, Bradley Memorial University of Newfoundland
de Valence, Henry Queen's University
DeBoer, Michelle University of Waterloo
Demers, Myriam Université de Montréal
Deschênes, Andréa Université Laval
Drudi, Zachary University of Waterloo
Du, Chen Fei University of Waterloo
Dunphy, Kevin Dalhousie University
Dutot, Meghan UBC - Okanagan
Fainman, Adrienne University of Winnipeg
Fan, Wei University of Waterloo
Fang, Xiang University of Waterloo
Farrow, Amy McMaster University
Feng, Andy University of Waterloo
Francis, Michael University of Victoria
Gagnon, Jean-François University of Montreal
Galinaitis, John York University
Gemara, Yair York University
Gillis, Duncan Dalhousie University
Ginsberg, Dan University of Toronto
Gorzny, Jan University of Waterloo
Goulden, Ian University of Waterloo
Graham, Robert University of Waterloo
Grant, Elyot University of Waterloo
Green, Adrian Queen's University
Gross, Harrison University of Waterloo
Guenther, Nick University of Waterloo
Hargrave, Tyler University of Waterloo
Hargreaves, Brock University of Calgary
Harris, Justin University of Waterloo
Haynes, Jordan University of Waterloo
He, Yan (Mary) University of Toronto
Henshall, Dane University of Waterloo
Hoffman, Nathan Queen's University
Houle, Stephanie University of Waterloo
Hristov, Nikolay University of Waterloo
Hsu, Chieh-Ting Dalhousie University
Hu, Samson University of Waterloo
Huang, Aurora University of Waterloo
Huang, Xuancheng University of Waterloo
Hui, Theodore The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hurst, Michelle McMaster University
Hyba, Melanie University of Waterloo
Inayatullah, Raheel University of British Columbia
Islami, Arash York University
Jackson, Tyler McMaster University
Jacobs, Naamah York University
Jalil, Taha University of Waterloo
Jalilian, Farhang University Of Western Ontario
Jeremic, Filip McMaster University
Jin, Sabrina University of Waterloo
Jinn, Nicole University of British Columbia
Johnson, Allan  
Johnstone, Daniel University of Waterloo
Joyal, Bruno Concordia University
Jugdev, Tristan  
Jung, Andrew University of Waterloo
Kaster, Tyler University of Ottawa
Kaznatcheev, Artem McGill University
Khmelnitsky, Natalie University of Waterloo
Khraishi, Sarah Memorial University of Newfoundland
Kidwai, Omar University of Toronto
Kim, Jane Trinity Western University
Kim, Jooho University of Toronto
Kim, Sue University of Waterloo
Kiros, Ryan Dalhousie University
Kohli, Purnima University of Waterloo
Koulik, Olena University of Waterloo
Kulkarni, Avinash University of Waterloo
Lane, Jeremy University of Regina
Larionov, Egor University of Waterloo
Lee, Sang kon University of Waterloo
Létourneau, Vincent University of Montreal
Lévesque, Jean-Sébastien Université Laval
Li, Fangda University of Toronto
Li, Jian Dalhousie University
Li, Yifan University of Waterloo
Li, Yusong University of Waterloo
Lipnowski, Elliott University of Waterloo
Liu, Tianxiang University of Waterloo
Lo, Venus University of Waterloo
Lozynska, Iryna University of Waterloo
Lubin, Jesse University of Waterloo
MacGillivray, Donald University of Waterloo
Maheux, Dominique Université Laval
Mangerel, Alexander University of Waterloo
Martel, Justin University of Ottawa
Martin, Teresa Queen's University
May, Brandon McMaster University
McPherson, Steven University of Waterloo
Meehan, Connor University of British Columbia
Melczer, Stephen Simon Fraser University
Mendaglio, Angelica Trent University
Mercier, Olivier Université de Montréal
Merkoulovitch, Anna University of Waterloo
Moon, Nathalie Queen's University
Moore, Ashley University of Waterloo
Moore, Michael University of Waterloo
Muresan, Adrian Queen's University
Murley, Jonathan University of Prince Edward Island
Naslund, Eric University of British Columbia
Naymie, Cassie University of Waterloo
Nguyen, Peter York University
Nica, Mihai University of Waterloo
Nishizawa, Yui University of Waterloo
Noel, Jon Thompson Rivers University
Oh, Abel University of Waterloo
Oltean, Marius University of Waterloo
Papillon, Anika Pascale Université Laval
Paquin-Lefebvre, Frédéric Université de Montréal
Parent, Simon University of Waterloo
Pashley, Bryanne University of Waterloo
Pawluczuk, David Bishop's University
Payette, Jordan Université de Montréal
Pazner, Will University of Toronto
Pearson, Aaron Lakehead University
Pelletier, Laurent Universite Laval
Penney, Jared Memorial University of Newfoundland
Penney, Mark Memorial University of Newfoundland
Pistone, Jamie University of Toronto
Poudrier, François Université Laval
Qamar, Farid McMaster University
Qian, Angel University of Waterloo
Rai, Kamal University of Waterloo
Rector, Chris Dalhousie University
Rehder, Ian University of Waterloo
Reilly, Benjamin Simon Fraser University
Rhee, Dong Uk University of Waterloo
Robison, Brendan University of Waterloo
Rulff, Nicole Queen's University
Sagatov, Sergei University of Toronto
Sahasrabudhe, Julian Simon Fraser University
Scheers, Falon University of Alberta
Shen, Jifeng McGill University
Sinclair, Peter University of Waterloo
Sivaranjan, Krishna University of Waterloo
Skoufranis, Paul University of California, Los Angeles
Skoufranis, Paul University of Waterloo
Smith, Jerrod University of Regina
Smythe, Iian University of Manitoba
Soares, Marc University of Waterloo
Song, Renzhi University of Waterloo
Stephen, Matthew Dalhousie University
Stuart, Geoff Dalhousie University
Stuart, Mark University of Waterloo
Stuive, Leanne University of Waterloo
Sun, Yun University of British Columbia
Sundell, Rachael Lakehead University
Tabord-Meehan, Max University of Waterloo
Tan, Kae Mern University of Waterloo
Tavakoli, Arman University of British Columbia
Terrana, Alexandra McMaster University
Teshima, Laura Thompson Rivers University
Tessier, Rebecca Queen's University
Thibault, Louis-Philippe Université de Montréal
Thiessen, Jonathan University of Waterloo
Thomas, Frank University of Waterloo
Thornton, Dorian University of Waterloo
Tot, Jonathan University of Waterloo
Tye Gingras, Christian Université Laval
VanderWelle, Megan University of Waterloo
Viau, Edith UQAM
Vijendran, Dharini York University
Vincart-Emard, Alexandre Université de Montréal
Walker, Stacey  
Walton, Laura McMaster University
Wan, Ronny University of Waterloo
Wang, Daoxing University of Waterloo
Wang, Xiaosu University of Waterloo
Wanless, Michael University of Calgary
Weekes, Alex University of Toronto
Wen, Yuting University of Waterloo
Wiebe, Amy Simon Fraser University
Wild, Erin University of Waterloo
Wong, Kelvin McMaster University
Woodard, Katherine McGill University
Wylie, Calvin University of British Columbia Okanagan
Xu, Chen University of Waterloo
Yang, Albert University of Waterloo
Yang, Lining University of Waterloo
Yang, Xu University of Waterloo
Zambrano, Andres Bishop's University
Zou, Chenglong University of Waterloo
Zsolt, Richard University of Waterloo
Arif, Ammar  
Atteya, Mehsin University of Alberta
Barfuss, Peter University of Waterloo
Capuano, Andrew Carleton University
Glynn-Adey, Parker Trent University
Hof, Travis Carleton University
Kamal, Sajjad University of Waterloo
Khan, Waseem Asghar HITEC University taxila cantt
Laffey, Erika Bishop's University
Lee, Daniel Carleton University
Palmer, Cate Carleton University
Shi, Fangye Chinese University of Hong Kong
Stanley, Geoff University of Waterloo
Tan, Hang University of Waterloo
Wai Kit, Yeung The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Yeung, Nathan University of Waterloo