September 19, 2024
January-August 2012
Thematic Program on Inverse Problems and Imaging
April 30 – May 31, 2012
Program on Variational Methods and Compressive Sensing in Imaging

Tony Chan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Adrian Nachman, University of Toronto
Luminita Vese, UCLA


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Description of the Program
This program is intended to foster research, learning and collaboration between distinguished researchers in the various areas of Image Analysis. There will be a number of short courses devoted to various topics in Image Analysis and Compressed Sensing. These courses are aimed at attracting graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and at helping define the research questions to be investigated during the program.

In addition, there will be research talks by the participants in the program.
Preliminary topics for the program:

  1. L1 minimization and applications (including Total Variation minimization).
  2. Compressed Sensing by variational regularization methods.
  3. Proximal point methods and iterative methods for solving ill-posed inverse problems (including iterative Bregman methods, hierarchical decompositions, surrogate functionals).
  4. Geometric processing (denoising of surfaces, non-rigid shape processing and analysis).
  5. Optimal Transportation and Wasserstein Distance methods for registration and segmentation.
  6. PDE methods for image processing.
  7. Nonlocal methods (nonlocal means, nonlocal total variation, bilateral filtering).


Week of May 21

Seminar on Variational Methods in Imaging
Antonio Marquina, Universitat de Valencia
May 24, 2-3:30
Edge-enhanced image reconstruction using total variation and high-order edge-preserving up-sampling operators (abstract)
Fields Institute, Room 210

Seminar on Imaging
Dominique Brunet, University of Waterloo
Thursday May 24, 4-5
On the Structural Similarity (SSIM) Index
Fields Institute, Room 210


Week of May 14

Short Course on Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery
Massimo Fornasier, Technical University of Munich
Part 1 May 14, 9:10-12:00
Part 2 May15, 9:10-12:00
Part 3 May 16, 9:10-12:00
Fields Institute, Room 230

Seminar on Image Analysis Analytical, Geometrical and Numerical Aspects of Curvature Driven Flows (abstract)
Adina Ciomaga, University of Chicago
Part 1 May 14, 2:10-3:00
Part 2 May 14, 3:30-4:30
Fields Institute, Room 230

Short Course on Algorithms for models involving interfaces in image processing and vision (abstract)
Selim Esedoglu, University of Michigan
Part 1 May 15, 2:00-3:00
Part 2 May 16, 3:30-4:30
Part 3 May 17, 11:10-12:00
Part 4 May 18, 11:10-12:00
Fields Institute, Room 230

Short Course on Numerical Geometry of Images (abstract)
Ron Kimmel, Technion
Part 1 May 16, 2:00-3:30
Part 2 May 17, 9:30-11:00
Part 3 May 17, 2:00-3:30
Part 4 May 18, 9:30-11:00
Part 5 May 18, 2:00-3:30
Fields Institute, Room 230

Seminar (abstract)
Ben Adcock, Simon Fraser University
Generalized sampling and infinite-dimensional compressed sensing
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Fields Institute, Room 230

Week of May 7

Short Course on Geodesic Methods in Image Analysis (abstract)
Laurent Cohen, Université Paris-Dauphine
Fields Institute, Room 230
Part 4 May 7, 10-12
Part 5 May 8, 10-12

Distinguished Lecture Series abstract
Emmanuel Candes
, Stanford University
Location of all talks Fields Institute, Room 230

Part 1 May 7, 3:30 p.m.,
From compressive sensing to super-resolution

Part 2 May 8, 3:30 p.m.
Robust principal component analysis? Some theory and some applications

Part 3 May 9, 2:00 p.m.
PhaseLift: Exact Phase Retrieval via Convex Programming

May 10, 2:00 p.m.
Seminar on Image Analysis Finite Dimensional Approximation of Total Variation Regularization on Hexagonal Pixels (abstract)
Elena Resmerita
Stewart Library

May 10, 3:30 pm
Seminar on Image Analysis (abstract)
Christiane Poeschl
TV Denoising and Evolution of Sets
Stewart Library

May 11, 2:00 pm
Seminar on Image Analysis (abstract)
Patrick Guidotti,
University of California, Irvine
The Perona-Malik Equation (PME) and Some Recent Regularizations
Stewart Library

Friday May 11, 3:30 pm
Seminar on Image Analysis (
Prashant Athavale,
Fields Institute and University of Toronto
Multiscale Image Representations through Integro-Differential Equations
Stewart Library

Friday May 11, 4:30
Seminar (abstract)
Xue-Cheng Tai, University of Bergen, Norway and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Fast Algorithm for Euler's Elastica Model using Augmented Lagrangian Method

Week of April 30

May 1-8, 2012
Short Course on Geodesic Methods in Image Analysis
Laurent Cohen
, Université Paris-Dauphine
Fields Institute, Room 230

Part 1
May 1, 10-12
Part 2
May 2, 10-12
Part 3
May 3, 10-12
Part 4
May 7, 10-12
Part 5
May 8, 10-12

May 1-4, 2012
Short course on Network flow optimization for image processing

Jerome Darbon, ENS Cachan and UCLA
Fields Instute, Room 230
Part 1 Tuesday May 1, 2:10-3:00 Binary optimization and Graph-cut
Part 2 Thursday May 3, 2:10-3:00 Discrete Convex and Non-Convex Optimization
Part 3 Friday May 4, 11:10-12:00 Total Variation optimization and applications
Part 4 Friday May 4, 2:10-3:00 Non-linear evolutions and Hamilton-Jacobi equations

May 2,Wednesday, 2:30-3:30pm
Fields Seminar in Applied Mathematics: "Geometric Tomography"
Aljosa Volcic, University of Calabria, Cosenza
Fields Institute, Room 230

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