March  6, 2025
October 14-15, 2011
13th Midwest Optimization Meeting &
Workshop on Large Scale Optimization and Applications
Hosted by the Fields Institute

Oct. 14 Banting Institute, 100 College Street, Rm. 131
(map to Banting)
Oct. 15, Fields Institute, 222 College, Rm. 230
(map to Fields)

Organizers: Ilias S. Kotsireas, Boris Mordukhovich, Hristo Sendov, Henry Wolkowicz


Optimization is an important area of applied mathematics that bridges mathematical theory with applications in diverse fields. This Thirteenth Annual Midwest Optimization Meeting provides opportunities for researchers in this region with different backgrounds to come together to share their research and teaching experiences, forge collaborations with colleagues from different institutions, and to expose students to applications of mathematical theory. This workshop will focus on bringing together several of the diverse communities working on large scale optimization models that arise from hard combinatorial problems.

Confirmed plenary speakers

Prof. Jonathan Borwein, University of Newcastle, Australia

Prof. Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA

Prof. Javier Peña, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Prof. Alexander Shapiro, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


  • Variational Analysis: variational principles and generalized differentiation, variational convergence, parametric optimization, and sensitivity under perturbations type algorithms.
  • Engineering Applications: VLSI design; solutions of Lyapunov equations; general linear matrix inequalities in systems and control theory.
  • Variational Analysis: stability and regularity, scaling, conditioning, numerical aspects, applications
  • Nonsmooth Optimization: theoretical aspects and numerical algorithms, optimality conditions, bilevel and hierachical optimization, semi-infinite programming
  • Multiobjective Optimization and Equilibria: Pareto and Nash equilibria, MPECs and EPECs, applications to economics
  • Control theory: optimal and feedback control, ODE and PDE dynamics, optimality conditions, discrete approximations, algorithms

Tentative Schedule