September 19, 2024

April 12, 2013
9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
2013 Southern Ontario Dynamics Day
Co-organized by York University and the Fields Institute

Held at Fields Institute, 222 College St., Toronto

Organizer: Huaiping Zhu, York University


The 2013 Southern Ontario Dynamics Day is co-organized by the Department of Mathematics & Statistics of York University and The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Science. The workshop will be hosted at The Fields Institute.

The 2013 Dynamics Day program will consist of 15 invited lectures, including a session for selected postdocs and graduate students. The program will cover very diverse and exciting new development of research in dynamical systems theory including bifurcation theory and applications in ecology and epidemiology.

Invited Speakers

Sue Ann Campbell (University of Waterloo)
Dong Eui Chang (University of Waterloo)
Hermann Eberl (University of Guelph)
Bernhard Lani-Wayda (Justus Liebig University)
Jean-Philippe Lessard (Laval University)
Mary Pugh (University of Toronto)
Gail Wolkowicz (McMaster University)
Jianhong Wu (York University)
Xingfu Zou (University of Western Ontario)

In addition, there will be sessions for postdoctoral researchers and graduate students.


9:00 Opening Remarks by Edward Bierstone
9:15 Hermann Eberl, University of Guelph (slides)
How we failed to solve an optimal control problem for a biofilm reactor with suspended growth
9:40 Gail S. K. Wolkowicz, McMaster University
Mathematical model of anaerobic digestion in a chemostat:effects of syntrophy and inhibition
10:10 Sue Ann Campbell, University of Waterloo (slides)
A Plankton Model with Delayed Nutrient Recycling
10:40 Jean-Philippe Lessard, Université Laval (slides)
Rigorous Computations for Infinite Dimensional Problems
11:10 Bernhard Lani-Wayda, Mathematisches Institut der Universit\"at Giessen (slides)
Four-dimensional \v{S}il'nikov-type dynamics in x'(t) = -\alpha \cdot x(t-d(x_t))
11:40 Jianhong Wu, York University (slides)
Emerging flocking behaviors of the Cucker-Smale model with delayed information processing
12:10-1:20 Lunch break
1:20 Xingfu Zou, University of Western Ontario (slides)
Can multiple Malaria species co-persist? ----Dynamics of multiple malaria species
1:50 Dong Eui Chang, University of Waterloo (slides)
Damping-induced self-recovery phenomenon in mechanical systems with an unactuated cycle variable
2:20 Yanyu Xiao, York University (slides)
Can treatment effect the epidemic final size?
2:40 Longxing Qi, Anhui University and York University (slides)
Modeling the schistosomiasis on the islets in Nanjing, China
3:00 Coffee break
3:20 Cameron Browne, University of Ottawa (slides)
Pulse Vaccination in a Polio Meta-population Model
3:40 Steve Walker, McMaster University
When does intraspecific variation matter to community-level dynamics?
4:00 Daniel Munther, York University (slides)
The ideal free strategy with weak Allee effect
4:20 Gunog Seo, Ryerson University (slides)
A comparison of two predator-prey models with Holling type I functional response
4:40 Hossien Zivari-Piran, York University (slides)
Numerical qualitative analysis of a large-scale model for measles spread
5:00 F.M.G. Magpantay, York University
An Age-Structured Population Model with State-Dependent Delay
5:20 Xu Fei, Wilfrid Laurier University (slides)
Interspecific strategic effects of mobility in predator-prey systems
5:40 Felix Njap, University of Waterloo (slides)
Bifurcation analysis of a model of Parkinsonian STN-GPe activity


Confirmed Participants (as of April 10, 2013)
Full Name University/Affiliation
Abdelrazec, Ahmed York University
Ali, Md Afsar University of Guelph
Althubyani, Mohammed College of Physical and Engineering Science, University of Guelph
Andrews, Rob (no affiliation)
Aram, Azadeh Ryerson University
Ashena, Atousa Ryerson University
Bao, Ming University of Western Ontario
Browne, Cameron University of Ottawa
Campbell, Sue Ann University of Waterloo
Cao, Yurong York University
Chang, Dong Eui University of Waterloo
Chen, Longbin York University
Chernin, Igor (no affiliation)
Cid-Montiel, Lorena Wilfrid Laurier
Dai, Liman University of Western Ontario
Doan, Thi Doan (no affiliation)
Eberl, Hermann University of Guelph
Fang, Jian York University
Fei, Xu Wilfrid Laurier University
Fgaier, Hedia University of Guelph
Halevy, Itamar no affiliation
Higuchi, Kaz York University
Joshi, Bimala Kumari Ryerson University
Kafle, Ramesh Ryerson University
Karakashian, Ara University of Guelph
Khalid, Nida Ryerson University
Kloosterman, Matt University of Waterloo
Lai, Xiulan University of Western Ontario
Lan, Kunquan Ryerson University
Lani-Wayda, Bernhard Justus Liebig University
Lessard, Jean-Philippe Laval University
Maghdoori, Sara York University
Magpantay, Felicia Maria G. York University
McKinley, Damaris Wilfrid Laurier University
Moorthy, Arun University of Guelph
Munther, Daniel York University
Njap, Felix University of Waterloo
Pugh, Mary C. University of Toronto
Qi, Longxing York University
Rabba, Salah Ryerson University
Ratti, Vardayani University of Guelph
Seo, Gunog Ryerson University
Shan, Chunhua York University
Tsarin, Yuriy Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine
Uzor, Blessing University of Guelph
Walker, Steven McMaster University
Wang, Yiyuan York University
Wang, Zhen University of Waterloo
Wolkowicz, Gail McMaster University
Wu, Jianhong York University
Wu, Xiaotian Western University
Xiao, Yanyu York University
Xu, Fei Wilfrid Laurier University
Zhang, Xiaojun University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Zhu, Huaiping York University
Zivari-Piran, Hossein York University
Zou, Xingfu University of Western Ontario
