September 19, 2024


September 24-26, 2012
Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Materials
Fields Institute
Center for Quantum Materials

Organizer:Center for Quantum Materials,
Director, Yong-Baek Kim

Registration available onsite
$30 registration fee payable on site
Fees waived for invited speakers and UofT faculty members/postdoc/students.

Workshop Home page Abstracts


The inauguration conference Frontiers in Quantum Materials 2012 will be held at the Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada from September 24-26.

The conference will bring world-leading researchers working on novel emergent properties of Quantum Materials. Recent development in this research area has seen increasing interplay between theoretical and experimental efforts. The topics of the conference include theoretical and experimental studies of strong correlation, frustrated magnets, topological phases, quantum spin liquids, superconductivity, correlated oxides heterostructures, and multoferroic materials. Some of the ideas behind these research efforts also reflect deep connections to topological properties of the ground-state quantum-wavefunction of strongly interacting many-body systems.

This is an inauguration conference for the Center for Quantum Materials at the University of Toronto. This conference would also initiate close collaboration between the newly established Institute for Basic Science in Korea, Canadian research network in Quantum Materials, and other centers of Quantum Materials in North America.

The conference is sponsored by the Center for Quantum Materials, the Fields Institute, and Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.

List of Confirmed Invited Speakers:

Tae-Won Noh (Institute of Basic Science/SNU)
Je-Geun Park (Institute of Basic Science/SNU)
Harold Hwang (Stanford)
Leon Balents (KITP/UCSB)
Collin Broholm (Johns Hopkins Univ)
Young Lee (MIT)
Senthil Tondadri (MIT)
Xiao-Gang Wen (Perimeter/MIT)
George Sawatzky (Univ of British Columbia)
Andrea Damascelli (Univ of British Columbia)
Marcel Franz (Univ of British Columbia)
Bruce Gaulin (McMaster Univ)
Grame Luke (McMaster Univ)
Takashi Imai (McMaster Univ)
Catherine Kallin (McMaster Univ)
Sung-Sik Lee (Perimeter/McMaster Uinv)
Michel Gingras (Univ of Waterloo)

Workshop Schedule

Monday September 24, 2012
8:30 Onsite Registration and Morning Coffee

Opening Remarks:
Edward Bierstone (Director, Fields Institute)
Meric Gertler (Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science)
Yong-Baek Kim (Director, Center for Quantum Materials)

Morning Session Chair: Hae-Young Kee
9:20 Marcel Franz (University of British Columbia)
Lattice model for the surface states of a topological insulator
10:00 Catherine Kallin (McMaster University)
Anomalous Hall effect in chiral superconductors and density wave states
10:40 Coffee Break
11:10 Tae Won Noh (Seoul National University)
Electronic band structures of LaNiO3 ultrathin films in-situ studied by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy
11:50 Je-Geun Park (Seoul National University)
Spin dynamics of multiferroic BiFeO3 and unusual low energy features
12:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session Chair: Stephen Julian
2:30 Leon Balents (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Quantum spin liquid theory for quantum spin ice
3:10 Bruce Gaulin (McMaster University)
Effective Spin 1/2 Hamiltonians in the Pyrochlore Magnets Er2Ti2O7 and Yb2Ti2O7
3:50 Coffee Break
4:30 Michael Gingras (University of Waterloo)
The Tb2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet: the Platypus of Frustrated Magnetic Systems
5:15 Tae-Won Noh: "Introduction to the IBS center"
Tuesday September 25, 2012
Morning Session Chair: Ken Burch
9:20 George A. Sawatzky (University of British Columbia)
New Magnetic Materials Based on Defects, Interfaces and Doping
10:00 Young S. Lee (MIT)
Experimental signatures of spin liquid physics on the S=1/2 kagome lattice
10:40 Coffee Break
11:10 Andrea Damascelli (University of British Columbia)
From p-wave superconductors to relativistic-Mott insulators via spin-orbit interaction in solids
11:50 Collin Broholm (Johns Hopkins University)
Incommensurate correlations & mesoscopic spin resonance in YbRh2Si2
12:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session Chair: Young-June Kim
2:30 Xiao-Gang Wen (Perimeter Institute /MIT)
Symmetry protected topological/trivial (SPT) phases

Sung-Sik Lee (Perimeter Institute/McMaster University)Chiral non-Fermi liquids in two dimensions

3:50 Poster Session
(starts at 4pm in Physics Department lounge)
5:30 Organized dinner for invited speakers and CQM members
Wednesday September 26, 2012
Morning Session Chair: Arun Paramekanti
9:20 Harold Hwang (Stanford University)
Magnetism between nonmagnetic insulators
10:00 Graeme Luke (McMaster University)Ground State and Excitations in Spin Ice and Quantum Spin Ice
10:40 Coffee Break
11:10 Senthill Todadri (McMaster University)
Quantum melting of stripes
11:50 Takashi Imai (McMaster University/Canadian Institute for Advanced Research)
NMR Search for the Spin Nematic State in LaFeAsO
12:30 Lunch
2:30 - 4:00 Private Lab Tours


Confirmed Participants

Full Name University/Affiliation
Balents, Leon University of California
Bhattacharjee, Subhro University of Toronto
Broholm, Collin Johns Hopkins University
Burch, Kenneth University of Toronto
Carter, Jean-Michel University of Toronto
Clancy, Patrick University of Toronto
Cook, Ashley University of Toronto
Damascelli, Andrea University of British Columbia
Dodds, Tyler University of Toronto
D'Ortenzio, Rob McMaster University
Franz, Marcel University of British Columbia
Fridman, Igor University of Toronto
Gaulin, Bruce McMaster University
Gingras, Michel University of Waterloo
Granstrom, Chris University of Toronto
Gretarsson, Hlynur University of Toronto
Hao, Zhihao University of Waterloo
Huang, Kyusung University of Toronto
Huang, Wen McMaster University
Hwang, Harold Stanford University
Imai, Takashi McMaster University
Javanparast, Behnam University of Waterloo
Ju, Hyejin University of Toronto
Julian, Stephen University of Toronto
Kallin, Catherine McMaster University
Kee, Hae-Young University of Toronto
Kim, Yong-Baek University of Toronto
Lee, Eric Kin Ho University of Toronto
Lee, SungBin University of Toronto
Lee, Sung-Sik Perimeter Institute/McMaster University
Lee, Young Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lin, Taoran University of Waterloo
Luke, Graeme McMaster University
Lunts, Peter Perimeter Institute
Lupascu, Andreea University of Toronto
Medina, Teresa McMaster University
Millis, Andy Columbia University
Munsie, Timothy McMaster University
Noh, Tae-Won Seoul National University
Park, Je-Geun Seoul National University
Plumb, Kemp University of Toronto
Rau, Jeff University of Toronto
Reijnders, Anjan University of Toronto
Sandilands, Luke University of Toronto
Sawatsky, George University of British Columbia
Schaffer, Robert University of Toronto
Sorensen, Erik McMaster University
Sun, Dan University of Toronto
Sur, Shouvik McMaster University
Tang, Evelyn MIT/ Perimeter Institute
Taylor, Edward McMaster University
Tian, Yao University of Toronto
Todadri, Senthil Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Venkataraman, Vijay Shankar University of Toronto
Wen, Xiao-Gang Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Williams, Travis McMaster University
Wu, Si University of Toronto
Yu, Jing Fei University of Toronto
Zareapour, Parisa University of Toronto
Zhang, Hao University of Toronto
Zhang, Jimin McMaster University
Zhang, Lucy Liuxuan University of Toronto


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