September 19, 2024

Workshop on New Directions in the Theory of Markets and Games

October 19 - 23, 1995

The conference is in honour of Robert J. Aumann, and in recognition of his contributions to mathematics, game theory, and economics

Recently there has been a burgeoning of theries of market equilibrium, including strategic models of market-place formation and market structure, evolutionary theories, and theories of the formation of groups for the realization of strategic and economic advantages. These theories inextricably connect markets and games. The conference and workshop will focus on such new directions, including, but not limited to:

(1) Strategic interactions between pairs of individuals and within small groups, using evolutionary, learning, and full rationality approaches (such as the theory of repeated games of incomplete information) and resulting aggregate socio-economic outcomes.

(2) Cooperative and non-cooperative large games and the relationship of cooperative equilibrium, fully rational equilibrium, and evolutionarily stable outcomes to market-like outcomes.

(3) Strategic information sharing, learning, and group formation in economic and game-theoretic models of situations with many participants, where individual participants are negligible relative to economic out comes.

(4) Markets and their game-theoretic aspects, including financial markets with externalities.

Program Committee Chair:
M. Wooders, University of Toronto.
Program Committee:
Kenneth Arrow (Stanford University), Sergiu Hart (Hebrew University), Ehud Kalai (Northwestern University), Andreu Mas-Colell (Harvard University), Jean-Francois Mertens (Louvain la Neuve), Wlater Trockel (University of Bielefeld), Myrna Wooders (University of Toronto).

Invited Speakers and Participants:

J. Abdou Ecole Polytechnique,
B. Allen,
University of Minnesota,
C.D. Aliprantis,
K. Arrow
Stanford University,
B. Anderson
University of California, Berkeley,
R.J. Aumann Hebrew University
N. Baigent
Graz University,
V. Barham
University of Bielefeld,
H. Cole
University of Minnesota
J. Corchon
University of Alicante,
G. Debreu
University of California, Berkeley,
G. Demange
D.E.L.T.A., France,
E. Dierker
University of Vienna,
J. Duggan
Queen's University,
L. Epstein
University of Toronto,
W. Gaertner
University of Osnabruck,
G. Green
University of Western Ontario,
B. Grodal
University of Copenhagen,
P. Hammond
Stanford University,
S. Hart
Hebrew University,
C. Herrero
University of Alicante,
T. Ichiishi
Ohio State University,
M. Jackson
Northwestern University,
E. Kalai
Northwestern University,
M. Kaneko
Institute for Socio-Economic Planning, Tsukuba,
H. Keiding
University of Copenhagen,
A. Khan
John Hopkins University,
J. Ledyard
California Institute of Technology,
B. Lipman
University of Western Ontario,
J.-E. Martinez-Legaz
Autonoma University of Barcelona
A. Mas-Colell
Harvard University,
J. Masso Autonoma University of Barcelona,

H. Moulin, Duke University,
R. Myerson,
Northwestern University,
A. Neyman
Hebrew University,
M. Osborne
McMaster University,
J. Ostroy
University of California, LA,
F. Page
University of Alabama,
B. Peleg
Hebrew University,
M. Peters
University of Toronto,
C. Pitchik
University of Toronto,
P. Reny
University of Pittsburgh,
A. Robson
University of Western Ontario,
A. Robson
University of Western Ontario,
B. Routledge
Carnegie-Mellon & UBC,
D. Saari
Northwestern University,
M. Salles
University of Caen,
D. Schmeidler
Tel Aviv University,
N. Schofield
Washington University,
W. Shafer
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana,
S. Sorin
Ecole Normale Superieure,
J. Swinkels
Northwestern University,
W. Thomson
University of Rochester,
A. Turunen-Red
University of New Orleans,
A. van den Nouweland
Tilburg KUniversity,
A. Villar
University of Alicante,
K. Vind
University of Copenhagen,
M. Walker
University of Arizona,
S. Weber
Southern Methodist University,
J. Weymark
University of British Columbia,
E. Winter
Hebrew University,
California, Los Angeles,
S. Zamir
Hebrew University.