September 19, 2024

Program in Probability and Its Applications

August 1998 - June 1999

Organizing Committee

D. Dawson (Fields),
N. Madras (York)
T. Salisbury (York)
G. Slade (McMaster)

Program Committee

D. Dawson (Fields), G. Grimmett (Cambridge), T. Lyons (Imperial), T. Kurtz (Wisconsin), N. Madras (York), E. Perkins (U.B.C.), T. Salisbury (York), G. Slade (McMaster), S.R.S. Varadhan (Courant)

Visitors to the Program

Topics of Concentration

  • August - December 1998
    • Probability and Physics
    • Probability and Communications
  • January - June 1999
    • Probability and Biology
    • Probability and Finance


Lecture Series

Probability Graduate Courses
Fall 1998

Winter 1999

  • January 4: Brownian Motion with Applications with Prof. T. Salisbury

  • January 8: Topics in Stochastic Analysis and the Mathematics of Finance
    Several lecturers (R.J. Elliott, T. Lyons, R. Norvaisa, D. Salopek) will present segments of the course.
    The course coordinator is D. Salopek.

    To download the lecture notes from R.J. Elliott, click here and here

Probability Mini-Courses:

February 23, March 16 and March 23:
Branching Measure Valued Processes and Interactions (1:00-4:00 pm)

May 17, 25 and 31:
Probabilistic Models in Population Genetics (1:00-4:00 pm)

Related activities

The conference Seminar on Stochastic Processes 1999 will be held at the Fields Institute, March 18-20, 1999.

McMaster University's Britton Lectures will be given by David Brydges (Virginia), at McMaster on October 20-23 1998, at 3:30 p.m. on each of the four days.

The CMS Winter 1998 Meeting on December 13-15, 1998 at Queen's University will have a Special session on Probability and Finance (Organized by M. Csorgo)

Related Probability Sites

Co-sponsor of the Probability program

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences