September 19, 2024

Program in Probability and Its Applications

Workshop on Hydrodynamic Limits
Monday October 5, 1998 -- Saturday October 10, 1998

Organizing Committee

S. Feng (McMaster University), A. Lawniczak (University of Guelph), S.R.S. Varadhan (Courant Institute).

The main objective of the workshop is to review recent developments and to discuss future directions in the field of hydrodynamic limits. The topics will include: non-gradient models, lattice gas automata, large deviations, Boltzmann equation, Burger's equation, statistical mechanics and open problems. Invited one hour lectures, contributed talks, poster session and other activities will take place between October 7-10, 1998.

Schedule of Events

Preceding the workshop Professor S.R.S. Varadhan delivered a mini-course on Hydrodynamic Limits and Large Deviations on October 5 & 6, 1998.

For a complete schedule, Click here

  • Registration: October 5
  • Invited speakers, October 7-10:
    • J.A. Carillo (University of Texas, Austin)
    • A. Deutsch (University of Bonn)
    • G. Enyink (University of Arizona)
    • H. Fuks (University of Guelph/Fields Institute)
    • T. Funaki (University of Tokyo)
    • J. Gaertner (Technische Universtät Berlin)
    • R. Illner (University of Victoria)
    • D. Levermore (University of Arizona)
    • J. Quastel (University of Toronto)
    • K. Ravishankar State University of New York)
    • F. Rezakhanlou (University of California, Berkeley)
    • T. Seppäläinen (Iowa State University)
    • H. Spohn (Ludwig Maximilians Universität)
    • H.T. Yau (Courant Institute)
  • Poster and discussion sessions