Comparing G-equivariant factorization algebras on M to factorization algebras on (M,G)-manifolds
Laura Wells, University of Notre Dame
Date and Time:
Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - 9:30am to 10:10am
Fields Institute, Room 230
There are various ways to define factorization algebras: one can define a factorization algebra that lives over the open subsets of some fixed manifold; or, alternatively, one can define a factorization algebra on the site of all manifolds of a given dimension (possibly with a specified geometric structure). In particular, we are interested in comparing G-equivariant factorization algebras on a fixed model space M to factorzation algebras on the site of all manifolds equipped with a (M,G)-structure, given by an atlas with charts in M and transition maps given by elements of G. I will review the definitions of these two concepts and then sketch the proof that they are equivalent.