Cooling Codes
Low power and low temperature are first oder criteria for chip design, not just in the logic circuits but also interconnects, which now dominate power and area in many circuit designs. While numerous techniques have been proposed for reducing power consumption of interconnects, existing methods do not satisfactorily address the thermal challenges. In this talk, we outline an efficient coding scheme that directly controls the peak temperature of a bus, by cooling its hottest interconnects. The scheme can also be made to reduce the average power consumption of a bus and provide for error correction arising from transmission errors across interconnects.
Bio: Yeow Meng Chee is Professor and Associate Vice President (Innovation & Enterprise) at the National University of Singapore. He received the BMath, MMath, and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Waterloo, in 1988, 1989, and 1996, respectively. Yeow Meng is a Fellow and Council Member of the Institute for Combinatorics and its Applications. His research interest lies in the interplay between combinatorics and computer science, especially in coding theory, data engineering, machine learning, and their applications.