Existence and uniqueness for anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flows
Massimiliano Morini, University of Parma
Date and Time:
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - 11:30am to 12:10pm
Fields Institute, Stewart Library
An existence and uniqueness result, up to fattening, for crystalline mean curvature flows with forcing and arbitrary (convex) mobilities, is proven. This is achieved by introducing a new notion of solution to the corresponding level set formulation. Such solutions satisfy a comparison principle and stability properties with respect to the approximation by suitably regularized problems. The results are valid in any dimension and for arbitrary, possibly unbounded, initial closed sets. As a result of our analysis, we deduce the convergence of a minimizing movement scheme proposed by Almgren, Taylor and Wang (1993), to a unique (up to fattening) “flat flow”.