Finite-dimensional representations of the queer Lie supergroup Q(n)
Nikolay Grantcharov, University of Chicago
Date and Time:
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 - 10:30am to 10:55am
Fields Institute, Room 230
The queer Lie supergroup Q(n) is the second super analogue of GLn. However, its representation theory is far richer, partly due to the nonabelian structure of the Cartan subsuperalgebra of q(n) = LieQ(n). In this talk, we will first discuss some classical results about Q(n)-mod developed by I. Penkov and V. Serganova. Then we will specialize to Q(3) and describe all blocks in the category of finite-dimensional Q(3)-modules via their Ext-quivers. Finally, a new ”virtual” BGG reciprocity law for Q(n) will be stated. This is a joint work with V. Serganova.