Inductive limits of C*-algebras and compact quantum metric spaces
In this talk, we will place quantum metrics, in the sense of Rieffel, on certain unital inductive limits of C*-algebras built from quantum metrics on the terms of the given inductive sequence with certain compatibility conditions. One of these conditions is that the inductive sequence forms a Cauchy sequence of quantum metric spaces in the dual Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity of Latremoliere. Since the dual propinquity is complete, this will produce a limit quantum metric space. Based on our assumptions, we then show that the C*-algebra of this limit quantum metric space is isomorphic to the given inductive limit, which finally places a quantum metric on the inductive limit. This then immediately allows us to establish a metric convergence of the inductive sequence to the inductive limit. Another consequence to our construction is that we place new quantum metrics on all unital AF algebras that extend our previous work with Latremoliere on unital AF algebras with faithful tracial state.