September 20, 2024
CONSECUTIVE PROGRAMS are offered in the following Faculties of Education:
Brock University Ottawa University University of Western Ontario
Lakehead University Queens University University of Windsor
Laurentian University Trent University York University
Nippising University University of Toronto  

Here are some general observations involving mathematics and admission to Concurrent Programs in OntarioUniversities. Concurrent Programs are designed to allow students to complete simultaneously a Bachelor of Education and another undergraduate degree. In some universities entry into a concurrent program is immediately after high school while for some others entry is after one year of university. Please check the entrance requirements of the university of your choice.

P/J (Primary/Junior) - No PreService P/J Program requires any post-secondary mathematics.

We strongly urge you to take an appropriate mathematics course (apart from Statistics) as part of your undergraduate degree. Several university Mathematics Departments offer one or more courses designed for future K-8 teachers. Remember that as a P/J teacher you will be teaching mathematics. J/I (Junior/Intermediate) - No Preservice

J/I Program requires any post-secondary mathematics, however they do require a concentration (3 full year courses) in a teachable subject.

We strongly urge you to take an appropriate mathematics course (apart from Statistics) as part of your undergraduate degree. Several university Mathematics Departments offer one or more courses designed for future K-8 teachers. Remember that as a J/I teacher you will be teaching mathematics. If you enjoy mathematics we urge you to choose mathematics as your concentration - speak to the Chair of the Mathematics Department in your university.

I/S (Intermediate/Senior) - At this level you are required to present a first teachable subject and a second teachable subject.

If you enjoy mathematics, we strongly urge you to take mathematics either as your first or your second teachable. Recent surveys indicate that about half of the secondary school teachers in Ontario teaching mathematics have mathematics as a first teachable and the balance have mathematics as a second teachable.

- Introduction - Consecutive Programs- Concurrent Programs - Glossary of Terms -
- Teachable Subjects - Planning Ahead - Demand for Mathematics Teachers -

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