September 20, 2024


Consecutive Program
A post-graduate Teacher Education Program in a Faculty of Education where students spend one year completing courses and practical experience in order to obtain a Bachelor of Education.

Concurrent Program
A Teacher Education Program designed to allow students to complete simultaneously a Bachelor of Education and another Undergraduate degree (degrees to choose from vary amongst universities).

PreService Program
A program taken in a Faculty of Education to gain initial qualifications to teach in Ontario.

Teachable subjects
A concentration in one or two academic subjects is required for entry in J/I and I/S PreService Programs in Faculties of Education. These subjects are called teachables.

Universities in Ontario require students to complete 90 credits (15 full year courses) to obtain a Pass degree and 120 credits (20 full year courses) for an Honours degree. Check the requirements for the university of your choice.

Reference Letter
A letter from an employer, teacher, supervisor, principal, professor etc. written about an applicant that highlights achievements and qualities as a person and that explains why the individual should be accepted into a Faculty of Education. At least one reference letter should be written by someone who has supervised or observed the individual's work with children or teenagers.

Experience Profile
Documentation of paid or volunteer work with children or youth in the Field of Education or any related field.

Teaching Placement
While in a Teacher Education Program, candidates are required to work side-by-side with a qualified teacher in a classroom setting. This is called a teaching placement in which a candidate gains experience through various tasks such as observations, assessments, lesson planning and behaviour management. At some Faculties of Education these teaching sessions are referred to as the Practicum.

While in a teacher education program, candidates are required to work side-by-side with a qualified teacher in a classroom setting. This is called a Practicum in which a candidate gains experience through various tasks such as observations, assessments, lesson planning and behaviour management. At some Faculties of Education the Practicum is called the Teaching Placement.

Personal Statement of Experience
A statement prepared by applicants to a Faculty of Education in which they discuss the reasons that they wish to become a teacher, and provide information about any life experiences that they feel are relevant to teaching.

- Introduction - Consecutive Programs - Concurrent Programs - Glossary of Terms -
- Teachable Subjects - Planning Ahead - Demand for Mathematics Teachers -

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