September 19, 2024

Scientific Activities Archive
since July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2010

Fields Outreach Programs

Fields Mathed Forum

Climate Change, Sustainability and the Mathematical Sciences :
A Joint Initiative of the North American Mathematical Institutions


  • 2010 (Summer) Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Drug Resistance in Infectious Diseases
    Weeks 1-2 (July 5-16): Theme Weeks on Emergence and Spread of Drug Resistance
    Weeks 3-4 (July 19-30): Theme Weeks on Mathematical Immunology Sub-theme
    Weeks 5-6 (Aug. 3-Aug. 13): Theme Weeks on Transmission Heterogeneity
    Weeks 7-8 (Aug. 16-Aug. 27): research
    Colloquia Lecturers Professor Marc Lipsitch and Dr. Ram Laxminarayan.
    Coxeter Lecturers -- Speaker: Professor Neil M Ferguson, OBE, FMedSc, Imperial College, London

  • 2010 (Fall ) Thematic Program on Asymptotic Geometric Analysis
    Distinguished Lecture Series: Avi Wigderson (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
    Coxeter Lecture Series: Shiri Artstein-Avidan (Tel-Aviv University)
    Graduate Course
    Isoperimetric Inequalities and Applications to Asymptotic Geometric Analysis Instructor: Emanuel Milman
    September 13-17, 2010 -- Workshop on Asymptotic Geometric Analysis and Convexity
    October 12-15, 2010 -- Workshop on the Concentration Phenomenon, Transformation Groups and Ramsey Theory
    November 1-5, 2010 -- Workshop on Geometric Probability and Optimal Transportation
    Seminars -- Young Researchers Seminars & Program Visitors Seminars
  • 2011(Winter/Spring ) Thematic Program on Dynamics and Transport in Disordered Systems
    Distinguished Lectures - Yakov Sinai (Princeton)
    Coxeter Lecturers Srinivasa Varadhan (Courant)
    February 14-18, 2011 --Workshop on Interacting Processes in Random Environments
    February 24-26, 2011 -- Symposium dedicated to Yakov Sinai's 75th birthday
    April, 4-8, 2011 -- Workshop on the Fourier Law and Related Topics
    June 13-17, 2011 -- Workshop on Instabilities in Hamiltonian Systems
    June 20, 2011 -- Workshop on Billiard Models in Classical Mechanics
    Seminars Series
    Graduate courses

    Ergodic and Spectral Theory of Quasiperiodic Cocycles --Instructor: Artur Avila
    Stochastic Interacting Systems and Hydrodynamic Limits -- Instructors: Carlangelo Liverani, Jeremy Quastel, Balint Toth
    Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation from particle systems -- Jeremy Quastel
    Averaging in Dynamical Systems -- Instructors: Nikolai Chernov, Dmitry Dolgopyat, Anatoly Neishtadt

General Scientific Activities

Ongoing Scientific Seminars/Workshops

Seminars in the Fields Commercial Industrial Mathematics Program


June 27-29, 2011
Conference in Number Theory
Carleton University

June 21-24, 2011
26th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2011)
Fields Institute and University of Toronto

June 20-23, 2011
Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) Workshop
University of Waterloo

June 20-24, 2011
Fields-MITACS Conference on the Mathematics of Medical Imaging
hosted by the Fields Institute
held at the University of Toronto

June 17-18, 2011
North American GeoGebra Conference,
OISE, University of Toronto

June 15-19, 2011
Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (CUMC 2011/CCÉM 2011)
Université Laval

June 13–17, 2011
FPSAC 2011, 23rd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
Reykjavik, Iceland

June 13-16, 2011
The Mathematics Of Extreme Sea Waves: Tsunamis, Rogue Waves, and Flooding
University of Toronto Campus

June 9-11, 2011
International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis
Fields Institute

May 31-June 3, 2011
3rd biennial Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics (CanaDAM)
University of Victoria
Co-sponsored by CRM,Fields, MITACS and PIMS

May 26-29,2011
Waterloo Workshop in Computer Algebra, WWCA 2011
Celebrating Herbert S. Wilf's 80th birthday, W80
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo

May 27, 2011
SNAP Math Fair Conference
Fields Institute

May 18-22, 2011
Southern Ontario Statistics Graduate Students Seminar Days (SOSGSSD)
University of Western Ontario

May 16–20, 2011
Workshop on Computational and Analytical Mathematics
in honour of Jonathan Borwein’s 60th Birthday
IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University

May 16-19, 2011
Conference on Analysis of Survival & Event History Data
CRM, Montreal

May 13-15, 2011
Conference on Connections in Geometry and Physics (GAP2011)
Fields Institute

May 13-14, 2011
2011 Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days
University of Ottawa

May 9-13, 2011
Sage Days Workshop
Acadia University

May 6-7, 2011
19th Ontario Combinatorics Workshop
Ryerson University

May 2-5, 2011
Workshop on Wave Breaking and Global Solutions in the Short-Pulse Dispersive Equations
Fields Institute

April 28,2011
Graduate Student Research Day
Fields Institute

April 28, 2011
Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics Symposium Climate Change and Ecology:
a Mathematical & Statistical Perspective
University of Guelph

April 22-24, 2011
Fields Workshop on Group Actions, Generalized Cohomology Theories and Affine Algebraic Geometry
University of Ottawa

April 13-15, 2011 Coxeter Lectures
Thematic Program on Dynamics and Transport in Disordered Systems
Srinivasa Varadhan, Courant, NY
Large Deviations and Related Topics

April 11, 2011
Symposium Celebrating New Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada
Fields Institute.

April 9-10, 2011
2nd Montreal-Toronto Workshop in Number Theory
Fields Institute.

April 6, 2011
CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize Lecture 2011
Mark Lewis, University of Alberta

April 2-3, 2011
Ninth Annual Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference
Michigan State University
Supported by Fields

April 1-2, 2011
Southern Ontario Groups and Geometry Meeting
Fields Institute.

March 23 & 25, 2011
Fields-Carleton Distinguished Lecture Series
Dr. Don Dawson, Carleton University

March 23, 2011
Some episodes in the mathematics and science of random phenomena

March 25, 2011
Spatial structures and universality classes in stochastic systems

March 19- 20, 2011
Workshop on Algebraic Varieties
Fields Institute

March 14-18, 2011
Workshop on Semiotics, Cognitive Science and Mathematics
Fields Institute, Toronto

March 14, 2011
Nathan and Beatrice Keyfitz Lectures
George Lakoff, Linguistics Dept, University of California Berkeley
The Cognitive and Neural Basis of Mathematics

March 11, 2011
Medicine and Its Models:A discussion if modern Radiological, Mathematical, and Surgical approaches to Cancer Treatment
Panellists: Dr. M. Milosevic, Dr. S. Singh, Dr. S. Sivaloganathan
Medical Sciences Building
Supported by ASSU, Fields Institute and Dean's Student Initiative Fund

February 25-27, 2011
Representation Theory and Quantization Workshop
Fields Institute, Toronto

February 17, 2011 -- 5:00 p.m.
Piergiorgio Odifreddi
Indiscreet Applications of Discrete Mathematics

February 13, 2011
Royal Canadian Institute, Lecture Series
Dror Bar-Natan, University of Toronto
The Hardest Math I've Ever really Used
Macleod Auditorium, University of Toronto
Supported by the Fields Institute

January 21-23, 2011
Conference on Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics
Lakehead University.

January 22, 2011
Undergraduate Network Meeting
Hamilton Hall, McMaster University

January 19, 2011 -- 6:00 p.m.

Shing-Tung Yau
Harvard University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Earth Sciences Auditorium, University of Toronto

January 19-21, 2011
Distinguished Lecture Series

Shing-Tung Yau

Harvard University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong


December 9, 2010
Computational Neurosciencists in Upper Canada (CNUC's) Workshop
Supported by the Centre for Mathematical Medicine
Fields Institute

December 8-10, 2010
First Joint North American Meeting on Industrial and Applied Mathematics SMM-SIAM-CAIMS
Supported by Fields.

December 6-10, 2010
Workshop on Discrete and Computational Geometry
Carleton University

November 6-7, 2010
Workshop on Algebraic Varieties
Fields Institute

November 1,3,4, 2010
Distinguished Lecture Series

Cédric Villani
Professeur de mathématiques de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon I
Directeur de l'Institut Henri Poincaré

November 1, 2010 PUBLIC LECTURE
Public Lecture- What is the fate of the solar system?

November 3, 2010
Particle systems and Landau damping

November 4, 2010
From echo analysis to nonlinear Landau damping

October 29, 2010
Workshop on Technology Integration in Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics Students
Fields Institute

October 28, 2010
2010 IFID Conference on Lifecycle Theory
Fields Institute

October 25, 2010
Big Ideas in Mathematics Symposium
Fields Institute

October 22, 2010
CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize Lecture
Gordon Slade, University of British Columbia

October 20, 2010
Computational Neuroscientists in Upper Canada (CNUC's) Workshop
Supported by the Centre for Mathematical Medicine
Fields Institute

October 9-10, 2010
RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Comparative Genomics
University of Ottawa
Supported by the Centre for Mathematical Medicine at the Fields Institute

October 8, 2010
4th Symposium on Health Technology
Supported by the Centre for Mathematical Medicine at the Fields Institute
University of Waterloo

Sept 28 - Oct 1, 2010
Variability Round Table
University of Ottawa
Supported by the Centre for Mathematical Medicine at the Fields Institute
to be held at Montebello, Quebec

Aug. 30-Sept.3, 2010
Conference on Homotopy theory and derived algebraic geometry
Fields Institute

August 18-21, 2010
Workshop on Approximations, Asymptotics and Resource Management for Stochastic Networks
Carleton University

August 17-20, 2010
14th Developments of Language Theory
University of Western Ontario

August 16-20, 2010
Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop (FMIPW10)
Fields Institute

August 15-18, 2010
Research Meeting and School on Distributed Computing by Mobile Robots
Carleton University

August 12-15, 2010
CIAA 2010, 15th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata
University of Manitoba

August 12–13, 2010.
Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) Workshop
University of Waterloo

August 9-13, 2010
Workshop on Fluid Motion Driven by Immersed Structures
Fields Institute

August 9 - 11, 2010
Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

August 2-6, 2010
FPSAC 2010, 22nd International Conference of Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
San Francisco State University
Supported by Fields

July 29-31, 2010
Workshop on Hybrid Dynamic Systems
University of Waterloo

July 26-28 , 2010
CMM Brain Neuromechanics Workshop
Fields Institute

July 20-23, 2010
Fields Institute-Carleton Finite Fields Workshop
Carleton University

July 12-16, 2010
Workshop on Groups and Group Actions in Operator Theory
University of Ottawa

July 7-10, 2010 Summer School
July 12-15, 2010 Workshop
Schubert Calculus Workshop and Summer School
Fields Institute and the University of Toronto

July 6 - 10, 2010
Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
University of Waterloo

July 5-9, 2010
Iwasawa 2010 Conference
University of Toronto

July 4 - 6, 2010
Joint Fields - Perimeter Institute Workshop on Random Matrix Techniques in Quantum Information Theory
Perimeter Institute, Waterloo

July-August 2010
Fields-MITACS Summer Undergraduate Research Program

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