January 10, 2025
June 7, 2012
Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics Symposium

Frontiers in Networks: Models and Applications

Chris Bauch, University of Guelph(Co-Chair, Mathematics)
Julie Horrocks, University of Guelph
(Co-Chair, Statistics)

Online registration is now closed.
Limited on-site registration available with fees of $40 for faculty, $25 for students. Please contact jhorrock<at> by Monday June 4.
**No registrations can be accepted after this time.**

Past Symposia in the Series
2011 Climate Change and Ecology
Registered Participants Directions to Guelph/Parking


The principal objective of the symposium is to facilitate collaborations between mathematicians, statisticians and bioscience researchers. This year the theme is on networks and is keynoted by two invited lectures, including the Gordon C. Ashton Memorial Biometrics Lecture. The symposium will have sessions for contributed talks and a poster session for graduate and undergraduate students, with a prize of $200 awarded for the best poster. This year’s symposium is intends to provide exposure to various mathematical and statistical techniques used to model and analyze networks. Participation by women and aboriginal groups will be encouraged in the advertising and via direct recruitment.

The maximum size for the posters will be 46 inches high and 56 inches across.

Executive Summary

Networks conceptualize the complex web of relations between agents, whether those agents be genes, organs, individuals, or groups. Research on network science originated with graph theory in the 18th century (in particular, Euler’s famous problem on the seven bridges of Koenigsberg) but is now growing at a phenomenal pace. This growth has been fuelled by greater availability of data on how real-world networks are structured. It is increasingly recognized that the network paradigm can contribute fundamentally to fields as diverse as genetics, ecology, sociology, and public health. Network science provides abundant oppor- tunities for research in the mathematical and statistical sciences. The quantitative analysis of network structure and dynamics is both nontrivial and rewarding, and the field continues to evolve. By characterizing network structure and dynamics using quantitative approaches, commonalities can also be established between apparently disparate fields. The focus of the proposed symposium will be the methodology and applications of network science, from both mathematical and statistical perspectives. Keynote speakers from the University of Chicago (Stefano Allesino) and Boston University (Eric Kolaczyk) will describe recent advances in food web theory and statistical analysis of biological networks, respectively. Regional speak- ers will address other topics at the intersection of network analysis, simulation, and applications.


June 7, 2012
  Session 1:
Gordon C. Ashton Memorial Lecture
(1st keynote speaker)
9:00-10:00 Eric Kolaczyk, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Boston University
Network-based Statistical Models and Methods for Identification of Cellular Mechanisms of Action
10:00-10:30 Coffee and Pastries/Student Poster Session
  Session 2: Invited Session
10:30-11:00 Ali Shojaie, Department of Statistics, University of Washington
Network enrichment analysis: a framework for analysis of biological pathways in complex experiments
11:00-11:30 Kevin McCann, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph
The Stability of Ecological Networks: From Motifs to Whole Ecosystems
11:30-1:00 Lunch Break/Student Poster Session
  Session 3: 2nd keynote speaker
1:00-2:00 Stefano Allesina, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago
Interaction Type and the Stability of Large Ecological Networks
2:00-2:15 Refreshments and Student Poster Session
  Session 4:Invited Session
2:15-2:45 Shoja Chenouri, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, University of Waterloo
A stochastic graph process for epidemic modelling
2:45-3:15 Philip Kim, Department of Molecular Genetics and Department of Computer Science,
University of Toronto

Structure, Unstructure and Systems Biology
3:15-3:30 Refreshments
  Session 5:Invited Session
3:30-4:00 Shreyas Sundaram, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
Robustness of Complex Networks: Reaching Consensus Despite Adversaries
4:00-4:30 Elisabeth Shiller, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Guelph
Using evolution to locate contact networks for epidemics
4:30 Student Awards

Directions to Guelph

The symposium will be held in Room 1800 of the OVC Pathobiology Animal Health Lab (PAHL), Gordon St at McGilvray.

This is building 89 on the **Campus Map**, Grid F6. (Note that there is an older pathobiology building on College, so please take care!).

Parking Directions and Costs

The best place to park is Visitor’s Parking Lot P44. The entrance to the parking lot is from College Avenue, on the other side of Gordon. See the **Campus Map**. It is a short walk to the Pathobiology Building – please cross at Gordon and College as there are lights. The most economical option is to pay by VISA or MasterCard for the whole day ($10.00). If paying by cash, the cost is $16.00 per day or $2.00 per hour.


Registered Participants as of May 30, 2012

Full Name University Name
Alcaraz, David Wilfrid Laurier University
Ali, Ayesha University of Guelph
Allesina, Stefano University of Chicago
Althubyani, Mohammed College of Physical and Engineering Science, University of Guelph
Ashlock, Daniel University of Guelph
Bartley, Timothy University of Guelph
Bauch, Chris University of Guelph
Bifolchi, Nadia University of Guelph
Buchman, Ethan University of Guelph
Cai, Eric University of Toronto
Callaghan, Liam University of Guelph
Cameron, Christopher University of Guelph
Caskenette, Amanda University of Guelph
Cheam, Amay University of Guelph
Chenouri, Shojaeddin University of Waterloo
Cleary, Erin University of Guelph
Deardon, Rob University of Guelph
del Grande, Marc Wilfrid Laurier University
Faqih, Mashael University of Guelph
Fata, Elaheh University of Waterloo
Griswold, Cortland University of Guelph
Horrocks, Julie University of Guelph
Keown-Stoneman, Charlie University of Guelph
Kim, Philip University of Toronto
Kolaczyk, Eric Boston University
Lang, John University of Waterloo
Levine, Joel University of Toronto at Mississauga
Liang, Jiaxi University of Waterloo
Martin, Claire University of Guelph
McCann, Kevin S. University of Guelph
McEachern, Andrew University of Guelph
McGinn, Ryan University of Toronto
Moorthy, Arun University of Guelph
Moradi, Ebrahim University of Waterloo
Morsky, Bryce University of Guelph
Mudalige, Nishan York University
Murall, Carmen Lía University of Guelph
Na, Ling University of Maryland
Nettel-Aguirre, Alberto University of Calgary
Palacios-Derflingher, Luz University of Calgary
Parsons, Todd University of Toronto
Petukhova, Tatiana University of Guelph
Picka, Jeffrey University of New Brunswick
Pinder, Shaun University of Guelph
Poore, Keith University of Guelph
Puelma Touzel, Max Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Selforganization
Rafique, Nuzhat University of Guelph
Rahman, Kazi University of Guelph
Ramirez Ramirez, Lilia Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
Ringa, Notice University of Guelph
Rooke, Rebecca University of Toronto Mississauga
Rueffer, Matthew University of Guelph
Schneider, Jon University of Toronto at Mississauga
Shiller, Elisabeth University of Guelph
Shojaie, Ali University of Washington
Sundaram, Shreyas University of Waterloo
Tully, Stephen University of Guelph
Valmy, Larissa LAMIA
Wells, Chad University of Guelph
Wong, Monica University of Guelph
Xin, Lin University of Waterloo
Xin, Xin University of Guelph
Yao, Xue University of Saskatchewan
Zhang, Haotian University of Waterloo
Zulyniak, Michael University of Guelph

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