September 19, 2024

Problems and Perspectives on the Calculus of Variations: Physics, Economics, and Geometry. 20-25 August 2001

Photos of the Conference

Monday August 20
8:45-9:20 Registration and Coffee
9:20-9:30 Opening Remarks

Felix Otto, Universitäet Bonn
Lecture 1

10:25-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-11:40 Cedric Villani, ENS Lyon
Trend to equilibrium for dissipative PDE's, mass transportation and functional inequalities
11:45-12:35 Neil Trudinger, Australian National University
Variational problems for second order functionals
12:40-2:00 Lunch Break


SHORT Click here for slides of talkS
Martial Agueh
, Georgia Institute of Technology
Existence of solutions to degenerate parabolic equations via the Monge-Kantorvich theory
Click here for slides of talk

Franck Barthe, Université de Marne-la-Vallee
Fisher information for marginals

Luigi DePascale, University of Pisa
Existence of absolute minimizers in the L infinity calculus of variations

Kevin Guittet, INRIA Rocquencourt
An Hilbertian framework for the time-continuous Monge-Kantorovich problem

Thomas Kaijser, Swedish Defence Research Agency
An improvement of the primal-dual algorithm when applied to the discrete Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem
Click here for slides of talk

Bernd Kirchheim, Max-Planck Institute
Nikodym sets and optimal transport maps
Click here for slides of talk

Marcus Leven, Universitäet Bonn
Simulation of the spreading of drops
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Hamed Maroofi, Georgia Institute of Technology
Weak solution to the semigeostrophic equations in dual variables
Click here for slides of talk

Jean Taylor, Rutgers University
Crystals that rotate as they shrink
Click here for slides of talk

Monica Torres, University of Texas at Austin
Plane-like minimizers in periodic media

Xiangjin Xu, Johns Hopkins University
New estimates on the solutions of first order Hamiltonian systems possessing super-quadratic potentials and some applications

Ovidiu Savin, University of Texas at Austin
A free boundary problem in optimal transportation

6:00 Reception at the Fields Institute
Tuesday August 21
9:00-9:50 Yann Brenier, CNRS Nice
Lecture 1
9:55-10:25 Coffee Break
10:25-11:15 Giuseppe Buttazzo, University of Pisa
Some results and questions in mass optimization problems
Click here for slides of talk
11:20-12:10 Guy Bouchitte, Université de Toulon
Optimization of light elastic structures
Click here for slides of talk
12:15-2:00 Lunch Break

MINISYMPOSIUM: Transport Problems Hiding in Economic Theory
2:00-2:45 Ivar Ekeland, Université Paris-Dauphine
Mathematical problems arising from economics
Click here for slides of talk
2:50-3:35 Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, University of Chicago
On the internal structures of cities
3:40-4:10 Afternoon Tea
4:10-4:55 Guillaume Carlier, Université Paris-Dauphine
Thomas Lachand-Robert, Université de Savoie
Regularity of solutions for some variational problems subject to a convexity constraint
5:00-5:45 Vladimir Levin, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Duality theorems for the Monge-Kantorovich problem with applications in the mathematical utility theory
6:00-6:50 Optional: Graduate student tutorial on Otto's lectures led by Mikhail Feldman & Robert McCann
Wednesday August 22
9:00-9:50 Felix Otto, Universitäet Bonn
Lecture 2
9:55-10:15 Coffee Break
10:15-11:05 John Urbas, Australian National University
Problems involving prescribed gradient
Click here for slides of talk
11:10-12:00 Pengfei Guan, McMaster University
Convexity of solutions of fully nonlinear PDEs
12:05-1:00 Lunch at the Fields Institute
1:05-11:15 Excursion to Niagara Falls
Thursday August 23
9:00-9:50 Felix Otto, Universitäet Bonn
Lecture 3
9:55-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-11:10 Gui-Qiang Chen, Northwestern University
Extended divergence-measure fields, generalized Gauss-Green formula, and nonlinear transport equations
11:15-12:05 Allen Tannenbaum, Georgia Institute of Technology
Geometric PDE methods in computer vision
Lunch Break
Optional - Graduate student brown-bag lunch on Brenier's lectures led by Wilfrid Gangbo

MINISYMPOSIUM: Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision
2:00-2:30 Kaleem Siddiqi, McGill University
Flux maximizing geometric flows
2:35-3:05 Stefano Soatto, University of California
3D shape estimation in a variational setting
3:10-3:40 Tryphon Georgiou, University of Minnesota
High resolution spectral analysis via analytic interpolation
3:40-4:05 Afternoon Tea
4:05-4:35 Steve Haker, Harvard University
Optimal mass transport and image registration
4:40-5:10 Nikolaos Paragyios, Siemens Corporate Research
A variational approach for the segmentation of the left ventricle
5:15-5:45 Anthony Yezzi, Georgia Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic segmentation: a unified framework for segmentation and surface reconstruction
7:30 Banquet at Le Select Bistro
Friday August 24
9:00-9:50 Yann Brenier, CNRS Nice
Lecture 2
9:55-10:20 Gordon Blower, Lanchester University
Almost sure convergence for the generalized orthogonal ensemble
Click here for slides of talk
10:25-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-11:40 Eric Carlen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Mass transport problems and kinetic theory
11:45-12:35 Michael Cullen, European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts
The Monge-Kantorovich problem in meteorology and oceanography
Click here for slides of talk
12:40-2:00 Lunch Break

MINISYMPOSIUM : Geometrical Aspects of Fluid Dynamics
2:00-2:30 Geoffrey Burton, University of Bath
Rearrangements and vortex rings
Click here for slides of talk
2:35-3:05 Wayne Schubert, Colorado State University
Enstrophy minimization, entropy maximization, and mixing processes in hurricanes
3:10-3:40 Scott Fulton, Clarkson University
Potential vorticity mixing in shallow-water vortices
Click here for slides of talk
3:40-4:05 Afternoon Tea
4:05-4:35 Robert Douglas, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Polar factorisation of vector valued functions with applications
Click here for slides of talk
4:40-5:10 Boris Khesin, University of Toronto
Virasoro symmetry and integrability of shallow water aproximations
Click here for slides of talk
5:15-5:45 Vladimir Roubtsov, Université d'Angers
Geometric structuresof (near) SG models and Monge-Ampere equations
Click here for slides of talk
Saturday August 25
9:00-9:50 Yann Brenier, CNRS Nice
Lecture 3
9:55-10:45 Luigi Ambrosio, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
On the representation and regularity properties of the transport density
10:50-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-11:45 David Jerison, MIT
Regularity of 3D energy minimizing free boundaries
11:50-12:40 Lawrence C. Evans, University of California at Berkeley
Click here for slides of talk - Quasiconvexity in the calculus of variations

Conference Closes

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